I think too often people misuse the term "Mindset." I'm not talking about the positive thinking, head in the clouds The Secret type of stuff. Now, don't get me wrong, I think The Secret is a great video and one everyone should watch. However, it leaves out some other fundamental principles of a successful "Mindset." Especially a Millionaire Mindset for Entrepreneurs. So what I'm going to try and do is separate the simple thought process from the actual mindset.
Visualization is a great part of developing who you are and who you are becoming. However, without some sort of action to actually become that individual, it will never happen. I've had people close to me talk about how they have visualized this or that to "come into" their lives. Maybe a gift of some sort. And then, on a special holiday, birthday or anniversary that gift came into their lives. I don't call this having a great Mindset, in fact I would consider this false confidence. Until you are able to produce the results you desire through your own thoughts and actions, you have only set yourself up to be dependent on other people's thoughts and actions. This, my friends, will NEVER get you to achieve a Millionaire Mindset for Entrepreneurs. I'm going to list some distinctions between what is and what isn't.
1) Thoughts vs. Actions: I've talked to a lot of people who ask for certain things in their business career and then when it comes time to take action it disappears. It's great to have goals and even better to have intentions. A goal will continue to give you something to think about and an intention will give you something to start taking action on. Positive thinking with no action leaves you in the same place you were before you started thinking...on the couch dreaming! If your actions are not in line with your thoughts and vice versa, you will end up wondering why you aren't getting the results you're after. Make a thought an intention and then go do it!
2) Accountability vs. Blaming: Developing a Millionaire Mindset for Entrepreneurs sometimes means you have to take it on the chin from time to time. You see, you're not going to get very far if you continue to take the easy road. And, when you decide to take the road less traveled, sometimes you make mistakes or try to take short cuts. Face it, you're going to screw up. This is a part of learning and growing. What matters is what you do when you screw up. If you say things like, "You said I should..." or "You made me do this..." then you have a long road ahead of you. On the other hand, the sooner you take accountability for your actions and your results, the quicker you will get to where you're headed. You are where you are because of YOU!
3) Leading vs. Following: Do you find yourself always agreeing with the crowd? Do you try and talk friends and colleagues out of an idea? If this fits your personality, you are a follower. You need to start being the person who makes claims and believes that there are bigger and better things waiting for you. Don't worry about the people in your life who say things like, "C'mon, that stuff doesn't really happen" or "Maybe you should take the easy way first before you go for it." DO NOT let these people's nervousness and weakness affect your mindset. Just because these people are afraid doesn't mean you should be. In fact, this is the perfect time for you to be a leader and show them it IS possible and there is nothing to be afraid of.
So I hope this helps. Having a Millionaire Mindset for Entrepreneurs is more than just wishful thinking. It is about getting your mind-SET on your intentions and making that happen one way or the other. When a road block happens, take accountability and go around. When someone tries to talk you out of it, stay focused on your intentions and keep your mind-SET. Turn those thoughts into actions and you'll be well on your way to having a Millionaire Mindset for Entrepreneurs. I hope this helps on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tips on Writing Your Own Entrepreneur Success Stories
To me, there isn't anything more exciting than hearing Entrepreneur Success Stories from first timers. You know, the person who is either brand new in business or has been struggling in business and then it happens. Maybe they do something different and it unlocks a whole new shift in thought process. Or, possibly they have been continually doing the same thing and all of the small successes have now built into a VERY large business. Some people might even want to call this "overnight success" or "getting lucky." You and I know different. You and I know it's just a matter of putting the pieces together and doing it consistently. Below are a few things to keep in mind when writing your Entrepreneur Success Stories.
1) Get a Mentor: This can come in the form of an industry titan or your local business man. Whoever it is, make sure their successes and principles are in line with your own. Learning from someone with different principles than you will ultimately lead to your failure. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't follow blindly. If what they say makes sense to you and you can see yourself living that life, then do it. However, if what they say and do isn't in alignment with who you are or what you know is right, run for the hills. Just as the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Once you've found the right mentor for you, hit it hard. This is the quickest path to success. Don't reinvent the wheel. You may make it more effective but the ground work is done.
2) Action Plan: Most people I talk to say they are going to achieve this great feat and have huge success. I think this thought process is awesome! Then I ask how they are going to do that and the normal response is, "Well, I'm just gonna do it." This is where #1 comes in REALLY handy. Let me give you this example...Two people leave N.Y. en route to L.A. One of them immediately hops in their car and they are GONE! Driving 100 mph, weaving North and South. They see everything from Atlanta to Detroit back down through New Orleans up through Chicago, etc, etc and 3 months later they arrive in L.A. The second individual goes and talks to a mentor who gives them a proven plan to get there. The second person takes the advice, drives to the airport and arrives in L.A. 6 hours later. If these two trips were businesses and L.A. represented what your goal is, which trip would you take? The answer is simple but when it comes to business everyone seems to think the road trip route is better. Get a PLAN!
3) Follow your Plan: Did you know, when most people get lost it's simply because they stopped too soon? Think about that for a minute. Have you ever been headed somewhere and you just knew you should have been there already? What normally happens? You turn around to see if you missed your turn or stop and ask directions or possibly the ultimate worst, you just take a different route. This is a common case of second guessing. You couldn't do yourself a bigger disservice than this. You've basically just abandoned ship and given up on your plan before actually seeing it through. Don't let this happen to you. Trust me, in business, very few things are going to work out as you originally thought. You've got to keep going and see your plan through.
4) Consistent Action: This isn't something you get to do 3 days then take a couple days off. Well, I guess you could but you'll never get to where you're going. Let's face the facts here, you will never achieve any kind of good results, in anything, without consistent action. You wouldn't expect to be a great Basketball player without practice, so why is business different? It's not! The only way you're going to get good and achieve the results you want are to consistently take action towards your goal. Here comes the fun news...If you have a 9-5 business your day isn't over at 5. That is working IN your business. When the work day is over now you get to work ON your business. Working ON your business is what will actually set you free. So here's some advice, let someone else work IN your business while you work ON your business! Get smart and have systems in place that make your business run like clock work and you'll be happier and wealthier.
I hope these points have given you some insight about writing your own Entrepreneur Success Stories. This stuff really isn't that difficult. Find a mentor who will help you develop a plan. Then work your plan all the way through by doing something consistent everyday. Stop wondering and start doing. There is more than enough Real Estate at the top because fewer people are looking for it. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
1) Get a Mentor: This can come in the form of an industry titan or your local business man. Whoever it is, make sure their successes and principles are in line with your own. Learning from someone with different principles than you will ultimately lead to your failure. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't follow blindly. If what they say makes sense to you and you can see yourself living that life, then do it. However, if what they say and do isn't in alignment with who you are or what you know is right, run for the hills. Just as the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Once you've found the right mentor for you, hit it hard. This is the quickest path to success. Don't reinvent the wheel. You may make it more effective but the ground work is done.
2) Action Plan: Most people I talk to say they are going to achieve this great feat and have huge success. I think this thought process is awesome! Then I ask how they are going to do that and the normal response is, "Well, I'm just gonna do it." This is where #1 comes in REALLY handy. Let me give you this example...Two people leave N.Y. en route to L.A. One of them immediately hops in their car and they are GONE! Driving 100 mph, weaving North and South. They see everything from Atlanta to Detroit back down through New Orleans up through Chicago, etc, etc and 3 months later they arrive in L.A. The second individual goes and talks to a mentor who gives them a proven plan to get there. The second person takes the advice, drives to the airport and arrives in L.A. 6 hours later. If these two trips were businesses and L.A. represented what your goal is, which trip would you take? The answer is simple but when it comes to business everyone seems to think the road trip route is better. Get a PLAN!
3) Follow your Plan: Did you know, when most people get lost it's simply because they stopped too soon? Think about that for a minute. Have you ever been headed somewhere and you just knew you should have been there already? What normally happens? You turn around to see if you missed your turn or stop and ask directions or possibly the ultimate worst, you just take a different route. This is a common case of second guessing. You couldn't do yourself a bigger disservice than this. You've basically just abandoned ship and given up on your plan before actually seeing it through. Don't let this happen to you. Trust me, in business, very few things are going to work out as you originally thought. You've got to keep going and see your plan through.
4) Consistent Action: This isn't something you get to do 3 days then take a couple days off. Well, I guess you could but you'll never get to where you're going. Let's face the facts here, you will never achieve any kind of good results, in anything, without consistent action. You wouldn't expect to be a great Basketball player without practice, so why is business different? It's not! The only way you're going to get good and achieve the results you want are to consistently take action towards your goal. Here comes the fun news...If you have a 9-5 business your day isn't over at 5. That is working IN your business. When the work day is over now you get to work ON your business. Working ON your business is what will actually set you free. So here's some advice, let someone else work IN your business while you work ON your business! Get smart and have systems in place that make your business run like clock work and you'll be happier and wealthier.
I hope these points have given you some insight about writing your own Entrepreneur Success Stories. This stuff really isn't that difficult. Find a mentor who will help you develop a plan. Then work your plan all the way through by doing something consistent everyday. Stop wondering and start doing. There is more than enough Real Estate at the top because fewer people are looking for it. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
From J.O.B. To Fire Your Boss!!
So your tired of your J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and you want to Fire Your Boss. I want to help prepare you for what lies ahead. Some of you will have done a bunch of preparation for the big day. Others will simply find themselves at a point one day at work when they say, "I've had it, this is it I'm outta here!!" While I can't say I didn't have the latter, I did, however, prepare myself for what was to come. Only to find out I didn't prepare enough. So I'm going to give you a few quick points to have in line before you Fire Your Boss.
1) Do what you Love: I know, I know this is almost a cliche. However, it is the most truthful statement in forging out your own piece of the pie. Some of the most highly paid individuals are doing what most would consider a vacation. Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady. Each of these people play a game and make hundreds of millions of dollars. The same is said for entertainers; go ahead, think of your favorite musician or actor. These people sing, dance and play make believe and are compensated VERY well. Granted, these people also have a tremendous amount of talent to go along with their chosen profession. I've got a question for you, what came first, the talent or the profession.
2) Work: Be prepared to work more now than you did when you had a boss. That's right, now you have to do the same amount of work that the entire business was doing before. It won't be like this for long, but in the beginning you have to be the one to set up everything. This is normally when we lose most people. People tend to leave their J.O.B. for greener pastures of days on the beach and sleeping late. Saying things like, "What's gonna happen, I'm not gonna get fired." This is the kiss of death. Let's go back to the athletes and entertainers for a moment. Do you think they just decided they were going to choose that profession and then the next day they were signing contracts with the Yankees. NO, they spent their entire lives WORKING to be the best and now their compensation reflects that work. Some may say they are overpaid, but they are only getting what the market will allow.
3) Change: That's right, what made you good at your J.O.B. is not enough for you to Fire Your Boss. While you might have been stressed at work, the stress of owning and operating your own business is completely different. Your boss treating you like an incompetent child may be frustrating, but not having any money to pay your bills is more frustrating. The only difference is that now you have nobody to point the finger at except yourself. This is by far the most difficult process new entrepreneurs have. They expect that the mindset they've had is going to be good enough. Wrong!! Take the athletes and entertainers again. Everyone of them is used to being the best player or star on there team or cast. Then they hit the big time and EVERYONE is the best. It's time to take your game to another level. This means your mentality has to change, which means you have to change. What you are doing now is what has gotten you to where you are. So, in order to go further you have to do something different! Keep practicing, this game is never over and there are no time outs.
Making the transition from J.O.B. to Fire Your Boss truly is a life changing experience. You'll notice things you once thought were huge deals barely even matter. Your ability to make decisions and handle large tasks will begin to grow. And as you practice and practice and practice, your compensation will also garner what the market will allow. This process can absolutely free up your life if you're willing to take the necessary steps. Do yourself a favor and find a mentor, this always helps to shorten the learning curve. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
1) Do what you Love: I know, I know this is almost a cliche. However, it is the most truthful statement in forging out your own piece of the pie. Some of the most highly paid individuals are doing what most would consider a vacation. Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Tom Brady. Each of these people play a game and make hundreds of millions of dollars. The same is said for entertainers; go ahead, think of your favorite musician or actor. These people sing, dance and play make believe and are compensated VERY well. Granted, these people also have a tremendous amount of talent to go along with their chosen profession. I've got a question for you, what came first, the talent or the profession.
2) Work: Be prepared to work more now than you did when you had a boss. That's right, now you have to do the same amount of work that the entire business was doing before. It won't be like this for long, but in the beginning you have to be the one to set up everything. This is normally when we lose most people. People tend to leave their J.O.B. for greener pastures of days on the beach and sleeping late. Saying things like, "What's gonna happen, I'm not gonna get fired." This is the kiss of death. Let's go back to the athletes and entertainers for a moment. Do you think they just decided they were going to choose that profession and then the next day they were signing contracts with the Yankees. NO, they spent their entire lives WORKING to be the best and now their compensation reflects that work. Some may say they are overpaid, but they are only getting what the market will allow.
3) Change: That's right, what made you good at your J.O.B. is not enough for you to Fire Your Boss. While you might have been stressed at work, the stress of owning and operating your own business is completely different. Your boss treating you like an incompetent child may be frustrating, but not having any money to pay your bills is more frustrating. The only difference is that now you have nobody to point the finger at except yourself. This is by far the most difficult process new entrepreneurs have. They expect that the mindset they've had is going to be good enough. Wrong!! Take the athletes and entertainers again. Everyone of them is used to being the best player or star on there team or cast. Then they hit the big time and EVERYONE is the best. It's time to take your game to another level. This means your mentality has to change, which means you have to change. What you are doing now is what has gotten you to where you are. So, in order to go further you have to do something different! Keep practicing, this game is never over and there are no time outs.
Making the transition from J.O.B. to Fire Your Boss truly is a life changing experience. You'll notice things you once thought were huge deals barely even matter. Your ability to make decisions and handle large tasks will begin to grow. And as you practice and practice and practice, your compensation will also garner what the market will allow. This process can absolutely free up your life if you're willing to take the necessary steps. Do yourself a favor and find a mentor, this always helps to shorten the learning curve. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Real Estate Investing &. Direct Sales a Winning Combination!
Today I'm going to dive into two areas of income I've got a good amount of experience with...Real Estate Investing & Direct Sales. For the purposes of this blog I'm going to speak about REAL Real Estate Investing (not speculation) and I'm going to keep it simple and easy to understand.
If I had to choose just one to build my income and liquid cash it would be Direct Sales. There is no other industry or business model that allows you to generate as much cash as this industry. Big business, according to Forbes, are 500 employees or more. This is where it is said to be that the truly wealthy make money. Do you have any idea the amount of money, blood, sweat and tears it would take to build a traditional company with 500 employees? Not to mention the sacrifices of your day to day life. In the Direct Sales industry you can build an organization of 500 people in less than a year. Think about that for a minute, you can have the power to leverage other people's efforts as easily as some of the largest businesses in the world. The major differences are: You don't pay insurance, rent, liabilities, overhead or employees. Yet you do the same amount of volume and have higher profits. Not to mention the fact your income can compete with some of the top CEO's. If you think I'm full of it, do the research and see for yourself.
I've said this a hundred times, if you want to get ahead you have to be able to leverage time and money. In the Direct Sales industry you are able to do both. Your time is leveraged by the efforts of your organization. When you are successful with this you can take your money and leverage it in the same way. Which leads me to...
Real Estate Investing. Remember, I'm not talking about flipping houses. I'm talking about the true investment of Real income producing property. This is not as sexy as "Flip This House," but the long term benefits are far more exciting. Do you realize you can add to your Net Worth 10 fold by investing simply 20% of a purchase price of a property. So, for easy numbers sake, if you bought a $100,000 property (that had a positive cash flow) you could buy this using only $20k of your own money and add to your net worth $100,000. Now keep in mind this is a VERY simple model and there is no "how to" here, this is just an example.
How do you think the wealthy seem to continue to get more and more wealthy? Do you realize that with just a few of these deals your net worth is going to be pushing a million dollars. On top of that, you are viewed by your bank as someone who they WANT to lend money to. Guess what that enables you to do...buy more income producing properties and continue to add to your Net Worth!!
This simple little strategy allows you both time freedom and financial freedom. Now we're getting somewhere. There is no other industry like Direct Sales for generating large amounts of cash quickly and Real Estate (bought correctly) is a great place to grow your money. Yes, even in these times, Real Estate is a smart investment. Please keep in mind I'm speaking of Income Producing property, not single family flips. People are always going to need a place to live and businesses are always going to need a place to work.
This is a formula for the average person just like you and me to go out and make a small fortune. As with anything in life, it pays to have a mentor. Someone who can shorten your learning curve and teach you the in's & out's. I'd love to be able to work with you and show you just how lovely Life can be. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
If I had to choose just one to build my income and liquid cash it would be Direct Sales. There is no other industry or business model that allows you to generate as much cash as this industry. Big business, according to Forbes, are 500 employees or more. This is where it is said to be that the truly wealthy make money. Do you have any idea the amount of money, blood, sweat and tears it would take to build a traditional company with 500 employees? Not to mention the sacrifices of your day to day life. In the Direct Sales industry you can build an organization of 500 people in less than a year. Think about that for a minute, you can have the power to leverage other people's efforts as easily as some of the largest businesses in the world. The major differences are: You don't pay insurance, rent, liabilities, overhead or employees. Yet you do the same amount of volume and have higher profits. Not to mention the fact your income can compete with some of the top CEO's. If you think I'm full of it, do the research and see for yourself.
I've said this a hundred times, if you want to get ahead you have to be able to leverage time and money. In the Direct Sales industry you are able to do both. Your time is leveraged by the efforts of your organization. When you are successful with this you can take your money and leverage it in the same way. Which leads me to...
Real Estate Investing. Remember, I'm not talking about flipping houses. I'm talking about the true investment of Real income producing property. This is not as sexy as "Flip This House," but the long term benefits are far more exciting. Do you realize you can add to your Net Worth 10 fold by investing simply 20% of a purchase price of a property. So, for easy numbers sake, if you bought a $100,000 property (that had a positive cash flow) you could buy this using only $20k of your own money and add to your net worth $100,000. Now keep in mind this is a VERY simple model and there is no "how to" here, this is just an example.
How do you think the wealthy seem to continue to get more and more wealthy? Do you realize that with just a few of these deals your net worth is going to be pushing a million dollars. On top of that, you are viewed by your bank as someone who they WANT to lend money to. Guess what that enables you to do...buy more income producing properties and continue to add to your Net Worth!!
This simple little strategy allows you both time freedom and financial freedom. Now we're getting somewhere. There is no other industry like Direct Sales for generating large amounts of cash quickly and Real Estate (bought correctly) is a great place to grow your money. Yes, even in these times, Real Estate is a smart investment. Please keep in mind I'm speaking of Income Producing property, not single family flips. People are always going to need a place to live and businesses are always going to need a place to work.
This is a formula for the average person just like you and me to go out and make a small fortune. As with anything in life, it pays to have a mentor. Someone who can shorten your learning curve and teach you the in's & out's. I'd love to be able to work with you and show you just how lovely Life can be. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
I Used To Invest in Foreclosures, Now Business is MUCH Simpler!
At the ripe old Age of 23 I made my first offer on a piece of property. I had officially thrown my hat in the ring to Invest in Foreclosures. I'll never forget the weeks leading up to this day. I had the highest hopes and everything I had been reading was telling me how terrific my life was going to be and how simple it was to make BIG money! Then it happened...my offer got accepted!
You wanna talk about emotional overload. I'll never forget it, I was literally in my backyard tossing a Frisbee with my roommates when my Realtor called. I thought I'd be tossing a Frisbee and making money hand over fist for the rest of my life! Then the second wave of emotions and thoughts came. How am I going to actually buy this house? Who can I flip my contract and make money? Why did my offer get accepted so quickly? Needless to say I put the Frisbee down and got in my car to go see my "Deal."
Keep in mind, I was getting in the business of selling my contracts. Or better known as "wholesaling" in the Real Estate Investing circles. This simply means I find deals, structure the buying end, put them under contract and "assign" my contract for an assignment fee. Beautiful in principle, however, sometimes horrible in Reality.
To make a long, stressful, uneducated story short; I had overpaid on the property and no investor in their right mind would buy my "Deal." After weeks of unbearable stress and anxiety I was blessed. Fortunately for me, there was a Title issue and I had the option of getting my deposit back and not closing on the property. This sort of business model went on for years until I had enough money to actually buy property and Invest in Foreclosures.
Any stress and not knowing how it was going to turn out was only magnified when I began to push my chips in. Now there were contractors, painters, unexpected expenses...EVERY TIME!! Not to mention the major flaw in the entire business model..I WAS ONLY AS GOOD AS MY LAST DEAL!! If I didn't keep doing deals I didn't make any money. I had gotten into this business to set myself free of real work. Now I had found myself married to the business 24/7. No vacations, long weekends, etc. Something had to change. Unfortunately that change came for me in the way of a Real Estate collapse. In hindsight it's the best thing that has happened to me and my business.
Now I understand the value of Leverage. Both time and money. You see, without one you can't have the other. If you truly want to LIVE this life, you have to be able to Leverage both. I became a Master at Marketing and understood the beauty of the Direct Sales business model. Insane amounts of profitability and time freedom to be able to actually LIVE life. No longer do I worry about whether or not a Contractor is going to show up, if there are going to be $10k worth of foundation problems that just "appeared." Oh no! Now I simply go through my daily tasks that keep my business and opportunity in front of people who are looking for it. How crazy is that!?! My business life went from stressful and uncertainty to stress free and predictable profits! Now I can get used to this.
So, I thought I'd shed a little light on what it's really like to Invest in Foreclosures. You really want to build a profitable business that will give you your life back? If so, I'd love to show you the ropes and work with you. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
You wanna talk about emotional overload. I'll never forget it, I was literally in my backyard tossing a Frisbee with my roommates when my Realtor called. I thought I'd be tossing a Frisbee and making money hand over fist for the rest of my life! Then the second wave of emotions and thoughts came. How am I going to actually buy this house? Who can I flip my contract and make money? Why did my offer get accepted so quickly? Needless to say I put the Frisbee down and got in my car to go see my "Deal."
Keep in mind, I was getting in the business of selling my contracts. Or better known as "wholesaling" in the Real Estate Investing circles. This simply means I find deals, structure the buying end, put them under contract and "assign" my contract for an assignment fee. Beautiful in principle, however, sometimes horrible in Reality.
To make a long, stressful, uneducated story short; I had overpaid on the property and no investor in their right mind would buy my "Deal." After weeks of unbearable stress and anxiety I was blessed. Fortunately for me, there was a Title issue and I had the option of getting my deposit back and not closing on the property. This sort of business model went on for years until I had enough money to actually buy property and Invest in Foreclosures.
Any stress and not knowing how it was going to turn out was only magnified when I began to push my chips in. Now there were contractors, painters, unexpected expenses...EVERY TIME!! Not to mention the major flaw in the entire business model..I WAS ONLY AS GOOD AS MY LAST DEAL!! If I didn't keep doing deals I didn't make any money. I had gotten into this business to set myself free of real work. Now I had found myself married to the business 24/7. No vacations, long weekends, etc. Something had to change. Unfortunately that change came for me in the way of a Real Estate collapse. In hindsight it's the best thing that has happened to me and my business.
Now I understand the value of Leverage. Both time and money. You see, without one you can't have the other. If you truly want to LIVE this life, you have to be able to Leverage both. I became a Master at Marketing and understood the beauty of the Direct Sales business model. Insane amounts of profitability and time freedom to be able to actually LIVE life. No longer do I worry about whether or not a Contractor is going to show up, if there are going to be $10k worth of foundation problems that just "appeared." Oh no! Now I simply go through my daily tasks that keep my business and opportunity in front of people who are looking for it. How crazy is that!?! My business life went from stressful and uncertainty to stress free and predictable profits! Now I can get used to this.
So, I thought I'd shed a little light on what it's really like to Invest in Foreclosures. You really want to build a profitable business that will give you your life back? If so, I'd love to show you the ropes and work with you. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Network Marketing Help..Get Proper Training Don't Give Up!
It's no secret that this industry has a 3% success rate. This stems from a couple different reasons. One of them is that people continue to try to build a business the same way that has gotten us this 3% success rate. Second is nobody is ever given proper training to help build their organizations. So I've decided to give some insight with Network Marketing Help..Get Proper Training Don't Give Up!
Every time you get involved with a new company you hear the same old song and dance about making a list of 200 people you barely know to get in to business with you. I see two immediate problems with this strategy: 1) Most, if not all, of those people have no idea what it takes to build a business and 2) Chances are you have never been taught how to recruit or sell. If you haven't made a living selling, you can't sell. I know this sounds blunt but it's true. You can't recruit people because in your previous jobs you may have never had to sell anything! Now you're in an industry that is 100% based on sales volume. You can listen to whatever makes you feel better but the bottom line is this; if nothing sells there are no commissions period. So what are you supposed to do? I can think of two things right off the bat that will help any average person with big dreams become successful in Network Marketing.
Lead Generation: Instead of talking to 200 people in your "warm market" who have no desire to get involved with the newest business opportunity, why not set up lead generation systems that allow you to talk to 200 people/week who ARE interested in joining you in business. Now that is a crazy concept isn't it? I understand the concept of the warm market. It allows you to talk with people you're comfortable with and these people may join based on sheer emotion of wanting to help you. That's great, but they won't help you achieve your dreams. Get a lead generation system in place and recruit business builders and then give them your same lead generation system so they can repeat your success. Now we're talking some SERIOUS growth!!
Recruiting: Most people get involved in this industry and have never even sold a glass of lemonade. Go get a job as a telemarketer where you are forced to make 100+ cold calls everyday. Not only that, but you'll get some training with sales. Most people have no idea about posture and positioning. Let alone maintaining control of a conversation and leading to the close. If you think going out and getting a sales job is beneath you, buy some sort of course that teaches you everything you need to know about recruiting for your business. It is not uncommon for a trained individual to recruit 15-20 personally sponsored individuals into their organization through proper training.
Do yourself a favor and start treating your business like a business. If you treat this like a hobby, it will do what all hobbies do...cost you money! Stop messing around get Network Marketing Help..Get Proper Training & Don't Give Up! Learn how to generate leads and then learn how to properly recruit those leads. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Every time you get involved with a new company you hear the same old song and dance about making a list of 200 people you barely know to get in to business with you. I see two immediate problems with this strategy: 1) Most, if not all, of those people have no idea what it takes to build a business and 2) Chances are you have never been taught how to recruit or sell. If you haven't made a living selling, you can't sell. I know this sounds blunt but it's true. You can't recruit people because in your previous jobs you may have never had to sell anything! Now you're in an industry that is 100% based on sales volume. You can listen to whatever makes you feel better but the bottom line is this; if nothing sells there are no commissions period. So what are you supposed to do? I can think of two things right off the bat that will help any average person with big dreams become successful in Network Marketing.
Lead Generation: Instead of talking to 200 people in your "warm market" who have no desire to get involved with the newest business opportunity, why not set up lead generation systems that allow you to talk to 200 people/week who ARE interested in joining you in business. Now that is a crazy concept isn't it? I understand the concept of the warm market. It allows you to talk with people you're comfortable with and these people may join based on sheer emotion of wanting to help you. That's great, but they won't help you achieve your dreams. Get a lead generation system in place and recruit business builders and then give them your same lead generation system so they can repeat your success. Now we're talking some SERIOUS growth!!
Recruiting: Most people get involved in this industry and have never even sold a glass of lemonade. Go get a job as a telemarketer where you are forced to make 100+ cold calls everyday. Not only that, but you'll get some training with sales. Most people have no idea about posture and positioning. Let alone maintaining control of a conversation and leading to the close. If you think going out and getting a sales job is beneath you, buy some sort of course that teaches you everything you need to know about recruiting for your business. It is not uncommon for a trained individual to recruit 15-20 personally sponsored individuals into their organization through proper training.
Do yourself a favor and start treating your business like a business. If you treat this like a hobby, it will do what all hobbies do...cost you money! Stop messing around get Network Marketing Help..Get Proper Training & Don't Give Up! Learn how to generate leads and then learn how to properly recruit those leads. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
It's NOT About Your Network Marketing Company, Business, Product or Opportunity
I hate to be forward, okay maybe I don't, but nobody cares about Your Network Marketing Company, Business, Product or Opportunity! Face the facts, people will join or not join your business because of you! Why do the Top Producers in your organization have such large teams? They have the same Comp plan, product and opportunity yet they seem to be knocking the cover off the ball while you're still treading water. What's the difference? It's YOU!
What do you have to offer that the other million plus people in your organization don't offer? Have you proven yourself to be a leader? If not, why would someone want to join your team? Do you have a repeatable system in place for your team to plug in to that will produce leads and results? If not, why would someone want to join your team? Have you grown as a person and developed the skills and traits that make you a winner in Life? If not, why would someone want to join your team?
These are just a few simple questions you should be asking yourself. Don't stop there however. Now that you've answered some of these questions the REALLY important step is to ACT. Getting ready to get ready has gotten a whole lot of people nowhere. If your afraid to take the shot, you'll never win. So where do we start?
Leadership: Some leaders are born, most are developed. Here's a good litmus test. If you know more about your favorite T.V. show, sports team, Reality Star, etc than you do about your own business opportunity and/or your own personal development, go get a job! If your DVD collection is bigger than your book collection something is out of alignment. Please keep in mind I'm talking about those who want to be TRUE leaders. If you're not interested in being in the top 1% stop reading because you'll just get upset. Start reading some books about Leadership, start reading books on personal development. Nobody will follow someone until they themselves are a proven leader. If this is out of your comfort zone, work on it. Leadership is the #1 factor between becoming a success and being mediocre.
Systems: In Network Marketing it is very important to be able to teach your team how to duplicate your success. Remember, the majority of your income relies on the success of your team. If you simply recruit someone and leave them to figure it out on there own, your asking for failure. So, do you have a system in place that is producing results for you? If so, you need to share it with your ENTIRE team. This is where we lose most newcomers to Networking. The common response is, "Won't they take all of my leads and build a bigger business than me!?" This is the mindset of a worker bee, not a leader. You need to face the fact that you MIGHT get 10% of your leads into your business. That means 90 of 100 people will say no. What if your team could pick up another 5%-10% of what you don't get. Do you see how much your TEAM just grew. This is how you need to think. Get a system and teach your team.
I'm going to end it here for right now. This is enough for you to work on for the near future. Remember, nobody cares about Your Network Marketing Business, Company, Product or Opportunity until they are first impressed with you! So go out and work on your Leadership and get some Systems in place for your entire team to be successful. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
What do you have to offer that the other million plus people in your organization don't offer? Have you proven yourself to be a leader? If not, why would someone want to join your team? Do you have a repeatable system in place for your team to plug in to that will produce leads and results? If not, why would someone want to join your team? Have you grown as a person and developed the skills and traits that make you a winner in Life? If not, why would someone want to join your team?
These are just a few simple questions you should be asking yourself. Don't stop there however. Now that you've answered some of these questions the REALLY important step is to ACT. Getting ready to get ready has gotten a whole lot of people nowhere. If your afraid to take the shot, you'll never win. So where do we start?
Leadership: Some leaders are born, most are developed. Here's a good litmus test. If you know more about your favorite T.V. show, sports team, Reality Star, etc than you do about your own business opportunity and/or your own personal development, go get a job! If your DVD collection is bigger than your book collection something is out of alignment. Please keep in mind I'm talking about those who want to be TRUE leaders. If you're not interested in being in the top 1% stop reading because you'll just get upset. Start reading some books about Leadership, start reading books on personal development. Nobody will follow someone until they themselves are a proven leader. If this is out of your comfort zone, work on it. Leadership is the #1 factor between becoming a success and being mediocre.
Systems: In Network Marketing it is very important to be able to teach your team how to duplicate your success. Remember, the majority of your income relies on the success of your team. If you simply recruit someone and leave them to figure it out on there own, your asking for failure. So, do you have a system in place that is producing results for you? If so, you need to share it with your ENTIRE team. This is where we lose most newcomers to Networking. The common response is, "Won't they take all of my leads and build a bigger business than me!?" This is the mindset of a worker bee, not a leader. You need to face the fact that you MIGHT get 10% of your leads into your business. That means 90 of 100 people will say no. What if your team could pick up another 5%-10% of what you don't get. Do you see how much your TEAM just grew. This is how you need to think. Get a system and teach your team.
I'm going to end it here for right now. This is enough for you to work on for the near future. Remember, nobody cares about Your Network Marketing Business, Company, Product or Opportunity until they are first impressed with you! So go out and work on your Leadership and get some Systems in place for your entire team to be successful. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Become a REAL Network Marketing Leader
When I say Become a REAL Network Marketing Leader I don't simply mean build a large organization. In the Direct Sales industry your success is in direct relation to the quality of your leadership. If you can go out and recruit hundreds of people, that's fantastic. However, you need to keep in mind that you will benefit 10 fold if you position yourself as a REAL leader.
A leader is someone who has more intent on you becoming a success than themselves. Now at first glance this seems to be some of the same song and dance you always hear when you begin in this industry. Yes, we all know that leveraging other people's efforts is one of the greatest attributes this industry has to offer. However, what I'm really talking about is having the same sense of urgency for your team's goals as they do. Take your focus off of yourself and begin to help your team achieve their dreams. Not only will your goals happen during the process but it will be that much more rewarding in the end.
Normally a leader works more than the rest. Not necessarily in or on the business, but also on themselves. Constantly checking themselves to make sure that what they are doing is not only for the highest good of themselves, but of everyone else involved. It's easy for people to get caught up in the day to days of business and forget what they are really trying to accomplish. To become a REAL Network Marketing Leader it is on you to help your team stay focused on WHY they started this journey.
There will be times of frustration. This is common amongst Leaders. Frustration can simply be a sign that what you are trying to do is not working. This is where we lose most people, but not you! This is when a REAL leader takes a step back and figures out another strategy. Chances are you are not effectively communicating with others and you feel they should just, "Get it!" Trust me, this is the Kiss of Death and a sure fire way to build a business on your own. It's time for you to really make changes in yourself to be the person others can come to because you can maintain a focus on the end result for everyone. Snoop Dogg may have said it best when he said, "I've Paid the Cost to be The Boss."
When you Become a REAL Network Marketing Leader you will give everything you've got. I don't mean time, money, resources, calls, etc. I mean you will teach everyone how to do exactly what you do. Some people have a really hard time with this. Saying things like, "If I teach them everything, won't they steal my ideas and move past me!?" This is NOT the mindset of a Leader. Actually this is still the mindset of someone who's stuck in Corporate America where everyone is after #1, themselves. In this industry and in life, the more you give the more you get back in return.
If you think you're ready to take it to the top it's time to Let Go! Let go of the fear, let go of the excuses and let go of any past thoughts and actions that are keeping you where you are. It's time to Become a REAL Network Marketing Leader by giving of yourself and others to truly start to shine. I hope this helps you on your Journey in this great industry. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
A leader is someone who has more intent on you becoming a success than themselves. Now at first glance this seems to be some of the same song and dance you always hear when you begin in this industry. Yes, we all know that leveraging other people's efforts is one of the greatest attributes this industry has to offer. However, what I'm really talking about is having the same sense of urgency for your team's goals as they do. Take your focus off of yourself and begin to help your team achieve their dreams. Not only will your goals happen during the process but it will be that much more rewarding in the end.
Normally a leader works more than the rest. Not necessarily in or on the business, but also on themselves. Constantly checking themselves to make sure that what they are doing is not only for the highest good of themselves, but of everyone else involved. It's easy for people to get caught up in the day to days of business and forget what they are really trying to accomplish. To become a REAL Network Marketing Leader it is on you to help your team stay focused on WHY they started this journey.
There will be times of frustration. This is common amongst Leaders. Frustration can simply be a sign that what you are trying to do is not working. This is where we lose most people, but not you! This is when a REAL leader takes a step back and figures out another strategy. Chances are you are not effectively communicating with others and you feel they should just, "Get it!" Trust me, this is the Kiss of Death and a sure fire way to build a business on your own. It's time for you to really make changes in yourself to be the person others can come to because you can maintain a focus on the end result for everyone. Snoop Dogg may have said it best when he said, "I've Paid the Cost to be The Boss."
When you Become a REAL Network Marketing Leader you will give everything you've got. I don't mean time, money, resources, calls, etc. I mean you will teach everyone how to do exactly what you do. Some people have a really hard time with this. Saying things like, "If I teach them everything, won't they steal my ideas and move past me!?" This is NOT the mindset of a Leader. Actually this is still the mindset of someone who's stuck in Corporate America where everyone is after #1, themselves. In this industry and in life, the more you give the more you get back in return.
If you think you're ready to take it to the top it's time to Let Go! Let go of the fear, let go of the excuses and let go of any past thoughts and actions that are keeping you where you are. It's time to Become a REAL Network Marketing Leader by giving of yourself and others to truly start to shine. I hope this helps you on your Journey in this great industry. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
How To Make Money in Network Marketing Being Yourself!
How To Make Money in Network Marketing Being Yourself is something so easy and actually more natural for everyone that sometimes it doesn't even register with you. Everyone, at sometime in there life, has had a "feeling" that they should or shouldn't be doing something or that they should be doing it differently. Without getting too involved into the metaphysical, that feeling is always right! So today we're gonna talk about separating yourself from the masses.
Let's use shopping as an example. You walk in to your local store and start looking for a new shirt. As you're shopping around for shirts you like, you begin to notice that everyone who walks in is wearing the same shirt. Holy cow, even the person working at the store has the same shirt on! Now there may be a few subtle differences, but in essence they are all the same. Wouldn't this make your decision much easier? Enough of what everyone else is doing! That is what has gotten everyone where they are, just like everyone else. When learning how to Make Money in Network Marketing being Yourself, keep this example in the back of your head. Trust me, the person you're trying to pitch your business to has just heard the same song and dance from the last person wearing that same shirt!
So how do you stand out? Well, the first thing that pops in to my head would be to NOT lead with your product or opportunity. That's right, we aren't selling you a shovel, we're going to share with you HOW to dig a hole. I've said this a hundred times, nobody likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy. If you teach someone how to dig a hole they will CHOOSE to buy the shovel you sell. This is not a new concept. Businesses have been doing this forever. There's even an old saying that during the Gold Rush some of the most successful people were those selling the equipment.
Take yourself back to when you got involved with your Network Marketing company. Was it the product that really got you going or was it the possibilities of what your life could be like? Then do the same thing and think about some of the obstacles you faced along the way in the beginning. Would it help if someone pitched you a new product or taught you how to be successful with the product you've got?
Listen to you Gut! Do you feel awkward talking to your mechanic about starting a lotion business?! Do you think there has got to be a better way to build an organization of Business Builders? How to Make Money in Network Marketing Being Yourself is all about just that!! Start marketing using methods that best suit YOUR personality traits. Do you love your product and have a ton of knowledge of the industry? If so, teach that to others and let them decide they WANT to be in business with you. Do you love teaching others how to Build a Business? Fantastic, teach people the ABC's of business building and let them decide to be in business with you.
There are SO many ways for you to start building your business. Give yourself the proper education to learn how to effectively Market and promote what you have to offer. And remember, what you have to offer is not your Company. What you have to offer is YOU. This industry, just like every industry, is a people business. Attract the right kind of people, build relationships and teach them what you do. This is a formula of How to Make Money in Network Marketing Being Yourself. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Let's use shopping as an example. You walk in to your local store and start looking for a new shirt. As you're shopping around for shirts you like, you begin to notice that everyone who walks in is wearing the same shirt. Holy cow, even the person working at the store has the same shirt on! Now there may be a few subtle differences, but in essence they are all the same. Wouldn't this make your decision much easier? Enough of what everyone else is doing! That is what has gotten everyone where they are, just like everyone else. When learning how to Make Money in Network Marketing being Yourself, keep this example in the back of your head. Trust me, the person you're trying to pitch your business to has just heard the same song and dance from the last person wearing that same shirt!
So how do you stand out? Well, the first thing that pops in to my head would be to NOT lead with your product or opportunity. That's right, we aren't selling you a shovel, we're going to share with you HOW to dig a hole. I've said this a hundred times, nobody likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy. If you teach someone how to dig a hole they will CHOOSE to buy the shovel you sell. This is not a new concept. Businesses have been doing this forever. There's even an old saying that during the Gold Rush some of the most successful people were those selling the equipment.
Take yourself back to when you got involved with your Network Marketing company. Was it the product that really got you going or was it the possibilities of what your life could be like? Then do the same thing and think about some of the obstacles you faced along the way in the beginning. Would it help if someone pitched you a new product or taught you how to be successful with the product you've got?
Listen to you Gut! Do you feel awkward talking to your mechanic about starting a lotion business?! Do you think there has got to be a better way to build an organization of Business Builders? How to Make Money in Network Marketing Being Yourself is all about just that!! Start marketing using methods that best suit YOUR personality traits. Do you love your product and have a ton of knowledge of the industry? If so, teach that to others and let them decide they WANT to be in business with you. Do you love teaching others how to Build a Business? Fantastic, teach people the ABC's of business building and let them decide to be in business with you.
There are SO many ways for you to start building your business. Give yourself the proper education to learn how to effectively Market and promote what you have to offer. And remember, what you have to offer is not your Company. What you have to offer is YOU. This industry, just like every industry, is a people business. Attract the right kind of people, build relationships and teach them what you do. This is a formula of How to Make Money in Network Marketing Being Yourself. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Are You Sick of All The HYPE Around Home Business Opportunities!?
Let me give you just a brief example of The Hype Around Home Business Opportunities I'm talking about. "The product is so good it sells itself," "Push through the no's to get to the yes's." Well, if the product was so good it sells itself, the company wouldn't need you. And yes, I completely understand you'll be hit with some resistance from time to time, however this is mostly due to speaking with unqualified individuals about your opportunity!
The Hype around Home Business Opportunities that drives me crazy the most are the claims of working 2 hrs a day and making millions! This may be true AFTER you've worked 40+ hrs a week for YEARS and have become the kind of LEADER that has duplicated his/her success. Instead of all of the claims and all of the Hype, this industry would be better served if we simply came out and equipped each of our recruits with the skills and techniques of what it really takes to be successful in this industry. It's not found in a bottle, at a convention, through your upline or in any of the shirts you buy. All of these things are great to keep you plugged in to your community and help build a sense of Team, but it's not helping you generate more leads.
If all of the usual strategies being taught worked there wouldn't be a 97% failure rate! Have you been taught how to generate multiple streams of income? Have you been taught how to generate QUALIFIED leads? Have you been taught how to make money from the leads you generate? Do you still think attraction marketing is something you learned from watching The Secret?
Take a look around your company. What are the Big Dogs doing? Are they attending the events or are the teaching the events? Do they have some sort of audio or book to sell you to help you build your business? Guess what that is...it's another stream of income...FOR THEM! Trust me, I have no problem with any of this. I do have a problem with you not being taught the same strategies to build your own business. It may take you some time to get on that stage, however that does not mean you can't start implementing those same strategies right now!
If you're still cold calling prospects, not generating leads, not getting paid to generate leads and have no repeatable system in place for your team you are following the path of the 97% Stop doing the same thing that has gotten such a terrible rate of success and start doing the things the Top Earners are doing! This industry WILL give you everything you're looking for when done properly.
How would you like to sponsor 15+ people a month into your business? How would you like to get paid from the leads that told you no? That strategy alone will give you enough income to continue Marketing for free!! It's time for you to begin to see the bigger picture and start living the life you came to this industry in search of. It's never too late or too early to become who you know you need to be. Get out there and carve out a piece of this Highly profitable business. No more Hype Around Home Business Opportunities, just proven successful strategies. I hope to see you at the top! Until next time, Happy Marketing!
The Hype around Home Business Opportunities that drives me crazy the most are the claims of working 2 hrs a day and making millions! This may be true AFTER you've worked 40+ hrs a week for YEARS and have become the kind of LEADER that has duplicated his/her success. Instead of all of the claims and all of the Hype, this industry would be better served if we simply came out and equipped each of our recruits with the skills and techniques of what it really takes to be successful in this industry. It's not found in a bottle, at a convention, through your upline or in any of the shirts you buy. All of these things are great to keep you plugged in to your community and help build a sense of Team, but it's not helping you generate more leads.
If all of the usual strategies being taught worked there wouldn't be a 97% failure rate! Have you been taught how to generate multiple streams of income? Have you been taught how to generate QUALIFIED leads? Have you been taught how to make money from the leads you generate? Do you still think attraction marketing is something you learned from watching The Secret?
Take a look around your company. What are the Big Dogs doing? Are they attending the events or are the teaching the events? Do they have some sort of audio or book to sell you to help you build your business? Guess what that is...it's another stream of income...FOR THEM! Trust me, I have no problem with any of this. I do have a problem with you not being taught the same strategies to build your own business. It may take you some time to get on that stage, however that does not mean you can't start implementing those same strategies right now!
If you're still cold calling prospects, not generating leads, not getting paid to generate leads and have no repeatable system in place for your team you are following the path of the 97% Stop doing the same thing that has gotten such a terrible rate of success and start doing the things the Top Earners are doing! This industry WILL give you everything you're looking for when done properly.
How would you like to sponsor 15+ people a month into your business? How would you like to get paid from the leads that told you no? That strategy alone will give you enough income to continue Marketing for free!! It's time for you to begin to see the bigger picture and start living the life you came to this industry in search of. It's never too late or too early to become who you know you need to be. Get out there and carve out a piece of this Highly profitable business. No more Hype Around Home Business Opportunities, just proven successful strategies. I hope to see you at the top! Until next time, Happy Marketing!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Gnerate 10-20 Network Marketing Leads a Day? How To
With so much information out there in regards to lead generation, I get asked if it's really possible to Generate 10-20 Network Marketing Leads a Day. Not only is it possible, but it's possible to do for FREE. Please keep in mind when starting any business it's important to keep your eye on your cash flow. Something I see beginners do is run out and spend all of their budget on fancy advertising that may or may not have a positive impact on their business. Without further adieu I give to you the 3 M's of Marketing. This has been around for as long as I can remember and probably longer.
Your Market: This is the "Who." Your Market is someone who is already spending money in your particular Niche, or people who are actively searching out your product or service today. That's it!! I don't care what the nice sales rep at your local Yellow Pages tells you, you DO NOT want to throw mud against the wall and just see what sticks. This is a sure fire way to spend yourself out of business. Find an industry outlet like a magazine, newsletter or open forum and begin to Market. Notice I said Market and not Advertise. Please remember, nobody likes to be sold, but everyone likes to buy. Put yourself in front of your Target Market and position yourself as an expert. I can promise you that the person looking has done their research, so you should do the same, you can't fake this.
Your Message: This is the "What." Your Message needs to speak to your prospect. What issues are they going through right now? What problems are they facing that you have the solution for? How can you relate to your prospect? What makes you different/better than everything else out there? Just because your out to Generate 10-20 Network Marketing Leads a Day doesn't mean your prospect isn't going through the same issues as anyone else in the open market. Can your product/service help? If so, how? Put yourself in the shoes of a beginner Networker. What questions/concerns did you have when you got started? What did you overcome and how can you help? Your job with your Message is to be a solutions provider. They have a problem, you have a solution.
Your Media: This is the "Where." If you ask me, there is only one place to Market and that is the Internet. Nowhere else on the planet Earth can you reach the sheer volume of people who are looking. EVERYDAY people are looking to start a new business. If I gave you the actual statistic you wouldn't believe me. So, who do you think has a better chance of building a large business: You with your Yellow pages and local newspaper, or me on the internet? I think you understand the scope. If you're unsure of HOW to market on the internet, it would be worth your while to get an education on this. Websites, blogs, videos, articles, press releases, social media, the list goes on and on. Do a Google search and figure it out or get in touch with someone who wants to mentor you.
These 3 M's are irrefutable when it comes to Marketing any business. Especially when you want to Generate 10-20 Network Marketing Leads a Day. Remember, most Network Marketing businesses are global so your reach should also be global. Marketing is something not to be taken lightly. Without it there are no leads and without any leads there are no sales and no sales equals no business. So do yourself a favor, put on the Marketing hat and leave it on!! I hope this helps you on your journey of building your business. Until next time, happy Marketing!
Your Market: This is the "Who." Your Market is someone who is already spending money in your particular Niche, or people who are actively searching out your product or service today. That's it!! I don't care what the nice sales rep at your local Yellow Pages tells you, you DO NOT want to throw mud against the wall and just see what sticks. This is a sure fire way to spend yourself out of business. Find an industry outlet like a magazine, newsletter or open forum and begin to Market. Notice I said Market and not Advertise. Please remember, nobody likes to be sold, but everyone likes to buy. Put yourself in front of your Target Market and position yourself as an expert. I can promise you that the person looking has done their research, so you should do the same, you can't fake this.
Your Message: This is the "What." Your Message needs to speak to your prospect. What issues are they going through right now? What problems are they facing that you have the solution for? How can you relate to your prospect? What makes you different/better than everything else out there? Just because your out to Generate 10-20 Network Marketing Leads a Day doesn't mean your prospect isn't going through the same issues as anyone else in the open market. Can your product/service help? If so, how? Put yourself in the shoes of a beginner Networker. What questions/concerns did you have when you got started? What did you overcome and how can you help? Your job with your Message is to be a solutions provider. They have a problem, you have a solution.
Your Media: This is the "Where." If you ask me, there is only one place to Market and that is the Internet. Nowhere else on the planet Earth can you reach the sheer volume of people who are looking. EVERYDAY people are looking to start a new business. If I gave you the actual statistic you wouldn't believe me. So, who do you think has a better chance of building a large business: You with your Yellow pages and local newspaper, or me on the internet? I think you understand the scope. If you're unsure of HOW to market on the internet, it would be worth your while to get an education on this. Websites, blogs, videos, articles, press releases, social media, the list goes on and on. Do a Google search and figure it out or get in touch with someone who wants to mentor you.
These 3 M's are irrefutable when it comes to Marketing any business. Especially when you want to Generate 10-20 Network Marketing Leads a Day. Remember, most Network Marketing businesses are global so your reach should also be global. Marketing is something not to be taken lightly. Without it there are no leads and without any leads there are no sales and no sales equals no business. So do yourself a favor, put on the Marketing hat and leave it on!! I hope this helps you on your journey of building your business. Until next time, happy Marketing!
How To MARKET Your Network MARKETING Business
When people get involved with a Network Marketing business, they are never properly taught how to Market your Network Marketing Business. You are told to go out and make a list of 200 of you closest friends family and acquaintances. Everyone from your neighbors, friends, family, Doctor and your mailman. While some, less than 1%, have had some success this way there is a much better and far easier way to build your business.
What if instead of talking to people with no business experience or desire you were talking with people who had both experience and desire to build a business. Do you think the success rate in this industry might go up? So here's what I'm going to do for you today. I'm going to give you an overview of how all of the top earners build there businesses and how you can begin to build your business just like a top earner.
Lists. All of your success is determined on the size and quality of your list. How do you think it's possible for someone to jump right into a Network Marketing business and within a couple months be one of the top producers earning the most money? Do you think he/she did this by talking to the mailman? No, this person has been building a list of qualified people over the course of their career. So when the time comes for them to "recommend" an opportunity, thousands of people opt-in right along with them. Then the next thing they do is teach their team how to do the same. This can be done through the sales of books, audios, training programs, etc. Each and every time some form of training material is sold, the list is getting bigger and bigger and their organization is growing and growing.
That's great, now how do you do the same? Easy, you position yourself in your marketplace as a leader! Do some research about your particular niche business. Do you sell lotions, pills, make up, creams, juice, etc.? Become THE expert people want to go to for advice about any of these particular areas. Set up a website and/or blog where people can visit and get FREE content and/or advice about your particular niche. Write a Newsletter or some sort of informational paper that your prospect can receive after they've given you their contact information. This is what is known as an opt-in. When someone gives you their information you in turn give them more FREE content about your niche market.
This is the very basic nuts and bolts of building a list. So the next time your opportunity comes around, you have a very large list of qualified people in your niche market to "recommend" something to. Then, have something in place that you can offer to your team to help them create the same sort of system you have built to ensure their success. If everyone were taught how to effectively Market your Network Marketing Business, there wouldn't be a 97% failure rate in this industry.
So before you go out and get slammed with rejection by your "warm market", go back through this blog and pick up on some techniques of how to Market your Network Marketing Business so you are able to speak with qualified leads who actually want to build a business with YOU! I hope this has been informative and leads you down a path of success instead of frustration which leads to failure. Until next time, happy Marketing!
What if instead of talking to people with no business experience or desire you were talking with people who had both experience and desire to build a business. Do you think the success rate in this industry might go up? So here's what I'm going to do for you today. I'm going to give you an overview of how all of the top earners build there businesses and how you can begin to build your business just like a top earner.
Lists. All of your success is determined on the size and quality of your list. How do you think it's possible for someone to jump right into a Network Marketing business and within a couple months be one of the top producers earning the most money? Do you think he/she did this by talking to the mailman? No, this person has been building a list of qualified people over the course of their career. So when the time comes for them to "recommend" an opportunity, thousands of people opt-in right along with them. Then the next thing they do is teach their team how to do the same. This can be done through the sales of books, audios, training programs, etc. Each and every time some form of training material is sold, the list is getting bigger and bigger and their organization is growing and growing.
That's great, now how do you do the same? Easy, you position yourself in your marketplace as a leader! Do some research about your particular niche business. Do you sell lotions, pills, make up, creams, juice, etc.? Become THE expert people want to go to for advice about any of these particular areas. Set up a website and/or blog where people can visit and get FREE content and/or advice about your particular niche. Write a Newsletter or some sort of informational paper that your prospect can receive after they've given you their contact information. This is what is known as an opt-in. When someone gives you their information you in turn give them more FREE content about your niche market.
This is the very basic nuts and bolts of building a list. So the next time your opportunity comes around, you have a very large list of qualified people in your niche market to "recommend" something to. Then, have something in place that you can offer to your team to help them create the same sort of system you have built to ensure their success. If everyone were taught how to effectively Market your Network Marketing Business, there wouldn't be a 97% failure rate in this industry.
So before you go out and get slammed with rejection by your "warm market", go back through this blog and pick up on some techniques of how to Market your Network Marketing Business so you are able to speak with qualified leads who actually want to build a business with YOU! I hope this has been informative and leads you down a path of success instead of frustration which leads to failure. Until next time, happy Marketing!
Friday, September 11, 2009
As I'm sure we all know, this is a day in history none of us will ever forget. With so many stories, memories and emotions tied to this day I wanted to take the time to reflect on what became of us after the fact.
I can't remember another time (at least in my history) where so many people came together. It's easy for all of us to get caught up in our own day to days. Each of us with our own agenda and not really giving much thought to anyone or anything else. While all of this togetherness had come from a place of tragedy, it also helped us realize not only what is truly important but what is truly possible when we decide to give of ourselves and each other for the good of a common goal. There doesn't have to be a tragedy that happens for each of us to realize something as easy and as powerful as this.
It's said that with every loss there comes a seed of equal or greater success. What did we get from this loss? Strength, connection, giving, honor and most of all a feeling of being united. Let this be a day for all of us to remember who we are and what we are capable of. Never in my life had I been so proud of those who protect and serve so that each of us can go on living our lives in abundance.
So let today serve as a reminder of what you're capable of and what you are truly grateful for. To all of those who spend their days protecting and serving so that we can all go out and live our lives, this one is for you...THANK YOU!!
I can't remember another time (at least in my history) where so many people came together. It's easy for all of us to get caught up in our own day to days. Each of us with our own agenda and not really giving much thought to anyone or anything else. While all of this togetherness had come from a place of tragedy, it also helped us realize not only what is truly important but what is truly possible when we decide to give of ourselves and each other for the good of a common goal. There doesn't have to be a tragedy that happens for each of us to realize something as easy and as powerful as this.
It's said that with every loss there comes a seed of equal or greater success. What did we get from this loss? Strength, connection, giving, honor and most of all a feeling of being united. Let this be a day for all of us to remember who we are and what we are capable of. Never in my life had I been so proud of those who protect and serve so that each of us can go on living our lives in abundance.
So let today serve as a reminder of what you're capable of and what you are truly grateful for. To all of those who spend their days protecting and serving so that we can all go out and live our lives, this one is for you...THANK YOU!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
How Are Leads Generated Part 3
Now that you understand the basics of Article and Video Marketing, let's dive into the Blog. I'm sure you've guessed that you're going to want to use the same topic from your Article and your video to post a blog. Keep in mind, however, your blog post doesn't need to be in any certain type of format. It is simply you speaking (typing) your thoughts on a particular subject. I say use the same content simply because the more relevant content out there for a Search Engine to find the better. It also keeps your messages clear and consistent.
Your Blog serves as your overall HUB of your business. Your Articles, Videos and any other type of Marketing you've got out there should lead back to your Blog. This gives your prospect a place to come and "check you out." If a prospect sees one video or reads one article and likes what you have to say, he/she can click a link and be taken to your blog where he/she can read about EVERYTHING you have to offer and truly get a sense of who you are and how you can help them.
Avoid any sort of rants that could sway too far one direction or the other. Yes, you are attracting people like you who are interested in building the same type of business as you but you want that to be as open to as many people as possible. The minute you go off and start down a path of destruction, you have just limited your Market to others who may also be angry that day. Also remember that post is out on the World Wide Web forever. Lots of people will use what you say as a judge of your character and base this as who you are. Remember, the goal is to generate leads so stay on point about what your blog is, not what you dislike. If you want to generate leads for your flower business, don't go on a rant about how much you hate something that is a pet peeve of yours, stay focused on your flowers and your amazing abilities to produce pretty bouquets.
Blogging is easy. And, with enough Keyword research for your Articles and your Videos, you should never run out of topics to Blog about. The most important thing to remember is to give value to your prospect. Why on Earth would someone want to do business with you if they didn't see some sort of Value in what you had to offer. Don't be afraid to give away some good stuff, it can only help you.
So do me a favor. Read the last 5 Blog posts on this Blog and generate some leads. I know you may be thinking there is more to this and you're not ready. That is not the truth. You can absolutely go out there armed with what is in the last 5 Blog posts and generate leads. I hope this helps and I hope I can continue to help you in the future.
Your Blog serves as your overall HUB of your business. Your Articles, Videos and any other type of Marketing you've got out there should lead back to your Blog. This gives your prospect a place to come and "check you out." If a prospect sees one video or reads one article and likes what you have to say, he/she can click a link and be taken to your blog where he/she can read about EVERYTHING you have to offer and truly get a sense of who you are and how you can help them.
Avoid any sort of rants that could sway too far one direction or the other. Yes, you are attracting people like you who are interested in building the same type of business as you but you want that to be as open to as many people as possible. The minute you go off and start down a path of destruction, you have just limited your Market to others who may also be angry that day. Also remember that post is out on the World Wide Web forever. Lots of people will use what you say as a judge of your character and base this as who you are. Remember, the goal is to generate leads so stay on point about what your blog is, not what you dislike. If you want to generate leads for your flower business, don't go on a rant about how much you hate something that is a pet peeve of yours, stay focused on your flowers and your amazing abilities to produce pretty bouquets.
Blogging is easy. And, with enough Keyword research for your Articles and your Videos, you should never run out of topics to Blog about. The most important thing to remember is to give value to your prospect. Why on Earth would someone want to do business with you if they didn't see some sort of Value in what you had to offer. Don't be afraid to give away some good stuff, it can only help you.
So do me a favor. Read the last 5 Blog posts on this Blog and generate some leads. I know you may be thinking there is more to this and you're not ready. That is not the truth. You can absolutely go out there armed with what is in the last 5 Blog posts and generate leads. I hope this helps and I hope I can continue to help you in the future.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
How are Leads Generated Part 2
So yesterday we covered some good topics of Article Marketing in How Are Leads Generated Part 1. Today we're going to cover what makes for good Video Marketing. Video Marketing has quickly become a very effective way to get your message out. Videos give people an opportunity to put a face to the name and allows you to let your personality to come out. So, without further adieu we are on to Video Marketing.
The most simple process for producing Video Marketing is to simply use the same topic you wrote an article about. How much easier could it get? You've already done the Keyword research and found a nice little sweet spot, now just put those same topics you wrote about into video format. I know a lot of people worry about the quality of their videos and want to make sure they are saying the right things. While you do want to be professional, don't get too caught up in all of the hub bub of perfect video production. My first 40+ videos were done simply using the web cam on my computer.
If you think you need something a little better, The Flip is accepted by most in the industry as a great little tool that will definitely get the job done. So now that you're ready to shoot your video, it's as simple as sitting down in front of the camera and start rolling. Some people may want to read over their article and rehearse a few times. You'll find that after you've done a few videos this process will probably stop and you'll just start talking.
There are a few main points you'll want to remember while doing your video. The topic may be the same as your article but it's not the same outline. Below is the simple outline I use when doing my videos:
1. Introduction
2. ID the Problem: This IS your topic. This is a Hot Spot with your prospect. This is the reason he/she is watching your video.
3. Background/Relation: Tell them about yourself and how you know what they are going through because you yourself have been there and/or experienced. This should be real and believable. This should be natural because it's probably what has lead you to your chosen industry.
4. ID a Solution: This would be a lead in to your product. Again this should be something you have experienced and has lead you to making this video. "I was in your shoes, then I came across something that has helped me tremendously!" Do not mention your actual product. You could be vague about the actual product but not the specific brand or company name. The reason for this is two fold: 1) You are branding YOURSELF as a leader not your company. 2) Most companies don't want their distributors making claims about the product. Believe it or not some people may embellish a benefit.
5. Call to Action: This is when you would want to have them Opt-in to learn more information about you, your product/service or opportunity. After they have done this step, that person is now a LEAD!!
Congratulations!!! You have successfully done two pieces of Marketing that have cost you no money and are full of content. Not to mention that you could probably get both of these done in less than two hours. Just think how much content rich Marketing you can get out with this little process. Make sure you check back tomorrow for How are Leads Generated Part 3 when we cover Blogging.
The most simple process for producing Video Marketing is to simply use the same topic you wrote an article about. How much easier could it get? You've already done the Keyword research and found a nice little sweet spot, now just put those same topics you wrote about into video format. I know a lot of people worry about the quality of their videos and want to make sure they are saying the right things. While you do want to be professional, don't get too caught up in all of the hub bub of perfect video production. My first 40+ videos were done simply using the web cam on my computer.
If you think you need something a little better, The Flip is accepted by most in the industry as a great little tool that will definitely get the job done. So now that you're ready to shoot your video, it's as simple as sitting down in front of the camera and start rolling. Some people may want to read over their article and rehearse a few times. You'll find that after you've done a few videos this process will probably stop and you'll just start talking.
There are a few main points you'll want to remember while doing your video. The topic may be the same as your article but it's not the same outline. Below is the simple outline I use when doing my videos:
1. Introduction
2. ID the Problem: This IS your topic. This is a Hot Spot with your prospect. This is the reason he/she is watching your video.
3. Background/Relation: Tell them about yourself and how you know what they are going through because you yourself have been there and/or experienced. This should be real and believable. This should be natural because it's probably what has lead you to your chosen industry.
4. ID a Solution: This would be a lead in to your product. Again this should be something you have experienced and has lead you to making this video. "I was in your shoes, then I came across something that has helped me tremendously!" Do not mention your actual product. You could be vague about the actual product but not the specific brand or company name. The reason for this is two fold: 1) You are branding YOURSELF as a leader not your company. 2) Most companies don't want their distributors making claims about the product. Believe it or not some people may embellish a benefit.
5. Call to Action: This is when you would want to have them Opt-in to learn more information about you, your product/service or opportunity. After they have done this step, that person is now a LEAD!!
Congratulations!!! You have successfully done two pieces of Marketing that have cost you no money and are full of content. Not to mention that you could probably get both of these done in less than two hours. Just think how much content rich Marketing you can get out with this little process. Make sure you check back tomorrow for How are Leads Generated Part 3 when we cover Blogging.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
How Are Leads Generated Part 1
As promised this Blog Post is entirely set up so you can have a better understanding about how to generate leads of your own FOR FREE!!! I'm going to highlight three areas of interest: Articles, Videos and Blogs. These three areas should give you a foundation to have you up and rolling with your lead generation. However, since these three topics alone also have so much information involved I'm going to turn this into a 3 Part Mini-Series, one post for each topic (Articles, Videos and Blogs.) Please understand this information WILL allow you to immediately begin to get your information out to the world!
Let's go over some ground rules here. When writing articles, your objective is to position yourself in the market place as an authority in your particular Niche. This is not an opportunity for you to sell anything. Nobody likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy. Let your prospect CHOOSE you by giving them enough content so they are attracted to you as someone who can help them. So, what do you do first?
#1 Keyword Research: My personal favorite tool for Keyword Research is Google's keyword tool https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal This is a free service and honestly one of the best. You've got to understand that when you're putting content on the web it MUST be relevant content and not a blatant sales pitch. Using this tool, you are using Google's own recommendations of appropriate associated keywords. Never guess with keywords and just choose something you like, this is a surefire way to never get ranked naturally on any search engine. Your goal is to have your content on the FIRST PAGE of your chosen search engine. Considering this day and age, that search engine ought to be Google.
So let's use an example. If you're in the Skin Care industry and you're really wanting to promote a new hand cream don't write an article about that particular product. What you want to do is write Articles based on the benefits of that product. So give this some thought. Maybe you write an article about psoriasis, flaky skin, cracking skin, etc. (I am not an expert on this so bear with me.) After you've decided on a topic now you should think of a "long tailed keyword." This simply means instead of using psoriasis you write about "daily recommendations for psoriasis treatment." This will position you in a much smaller niche market where you will be one of the only individuals positioning yourself as an authority. What would you rather do, fish where everyone is fishing or fish where there is no competition?
Once you've decided on your keyword phrase it's time to write the actual article. Articles should be between 300-500 words and your keyword phrase should be used 3-4 times. This gives the search engines something relevant to search for. Don't concern yourself too much with proper grammar and punctuation. You should write like an adult and not some kid, remember you're trying to position yourself as an expert.
So start doing your homework and get your content out there. Remember, the more content the better. I've said this a bunch, but you are positioning yourself as the expert to go to for this particular niche. Write an article EVERYDAY for a couple months and you'll begin to see some noticeable gains in your leads. Don't get paralysis of analysis. Find your Niche, get your Keywords, write your articles and get it out!! The following are some great sites to publish your articles and they are all free. Go get 'em!
* www.EzineArticles.com
* www.Amazines.com
* www.GoArticles.com
Let's go over some ground rules here. When writing articles, your objective is to position yourself in the market place as an authority in your particular Niche. This is not an opportunity for you to sell anything. Nobody likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy. Let your prospect CHOOSE you by giving them enough content so they are attracted to you as someone who can help them. So, what do you do first?
#1 Keyword Research: My personal favorite tool for Keyword Research is Google's keyword tool https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal This is a free service and honestly one of the best. You've got to understand that when you're putting content on the web it MUST be relevant content and not a blatant sales pitch. Using this tool, you are using Google's own recommendations of appropriate associated keywords. Never guess with keywords and just choose something you like, this is a surefire way to never get ranked naturally on any search engine. Your goal is to have your content on the FIRST PAGE of your chosen search engine. Considering this day and age, that search engine ought to be Google.
So let's use an example. If you're in the Skin Care industry and you're really wanting to promote a new hand cream don't write an article about that particular product. What you want to do is write Articles based on the benefits of that product. So give this some thought. Maybe you write an article about psoriasis, flaky skin, cracking skin, etc. (I am not an expert on this so bear with me.) After you've decided on a topic now you should think of a "long tailed keyword." This simply means instead of using psoriasis you write about "daily recommendations for psoriasis treatment." This will position you in a much smaller niche market where you will be one of the only individuals positioning yourself as an authority. What would you rather do, fish where everyone is fishing or fish where there is no competition?
Once you've decided on your keyword phrase it's time to write the actual article. Articles should be between 300-500 words and your keyword phrase should be used 3-4 times. This gives the search engines something relevant to search for. Don't concern yourself too much with proper grammar and punctuation. You should write like an adult and not some kid, remember you're trying to position yourself as an expert.
So start doing your homework and get your content out there. Remember, the more content the better. I've said this a bunch, but you are positioning yourself as the expert to go to for this particular niche. Write an article EVERYDAY for a couple months and you'll begin to see some noticeable gains in your leads. Don't get paralysis of analysis. Find your Niche, get your Keywords, write your articles and get it out!! The following are some great sites to publish your articles and they are all free. Go get 'em!
* www.EzineArticles.com
* www.Amazines.com
* www.GoArticles.com
Friday, September 4, 2009
Network Marketing Leads FAQs Part2
Okay, so here we go with the second set of Network Marketing Leads FAQs. I'm sure to some of you this Q&A session is a little obvious, but for some of you it may be a whole new way of looking at your prospects and building your business. Learning these topics was the turning point for me and I hope it helps you as well.
#1 How Many Leads can I Really Get? Well, how much work do you want to do. It is not unlikely for you to be able to generate 15-20 leads/day. Now to some of you this looks like a big number and to others this number seems a little small. Let me clarify this..these are FREE leads. I'm not talking about leads that are generated through PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising. I'm talking about people who have seen some sort of marketing that you have done and have decided to take the next step. These are Qualified leads. So get out there and start working and there is no limit.
#2 Should I be Using the Internet to Get Leads? Holy Cow YES!! This is my chosen media outlet for the vast majority of my Marketing. You should decide on three areas that you feel comfortable with (Videos, Blogs, Articles, Press Releases, Social Media, Squidoo, etc) and run with them. Understand this is just like anything else in Life, it's gonna take consistent action on your part to start seeing the results you want. So get online and make your presence known!
#3 I Got a Lead..Now What!?! This is a tricky one. Some people are advocats of calling EVERY lead they get, while others have systems set up to progressively weed out the tire kickers. Just like with the "opportunity seekers" from yesterday, tire kickers will wear you out with all of their uncertainty. If a person is unsure of what you're selling, that's one thing, but if they're unsure of whether or not they want to actually make a real change you may be in for a LONG battle of their own mental uncertainty. Do yourself a favor and have some sort of litmus test for your leads. Maybe a questionnaire or an application so you know their level of seriousness.
#4 What is Considered a Qualified Lead? This is where the questionnaire or application really becomes useful. Based on the responses you get you'll be able to tell if this person is for real or if they are just looking for something or someone to hang on to. I actually consider a lead to be qualified if they have already spent money. Nothing large, maybe $5-$10 on an e-book or newsletter. This shows me they are serious about not only the information, but they are willing to go to the next step.
#5 How are Leads Generated? This should be it's own separate Blog Post. In fact, I'm going to answer this question on it's own tomorrow. Simply because this is such a large subject. Fear not, however, tomorrow I will go through the ABC's of of an outline to get you up and rolling within a few days!
I hope this two part series of Network Marketing Leads FAQs has shed some light for you. Do me a favor and leave a comment and let me know either what your favorite method of lead generation is or what sorts of questions you've got about Network Marketing Leads. I hope to hear from you soon.
#1 How Many Leads can I Really Get? Well, how much work do you want to do. It is not unlikely for you to be able to generate 15-20 leads/day. Now to some of you this looks like a big number and to others this number seems a little small. Let me clarify this..these are FREE leads. I'm not talking about leads that are generated through PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising. I'm talking about people who have seen some sort of marketing that you have done and have decided to take the next step. These are Qualified leads. So get out there and start working and there is no limit.
#2 Should I be Using the Internet to Get Leads? Holy Cow YES!! This is my chosen media outlet for the vast majority of my Marketing. You should decide on three areas that you feel comfortable with (Videos, Blogs, Articles, Press Releases, Social Media, Squidoo, etc) and run with them. Understand this is just like anything else in Life, it's gonna take consistent action on your part to start seeing the results you want. So get online and make your presence known!
#3 I Got a Lead..Now What!?! This is a tricky one. Some people are advocats of calling EVERY lead they get, while others have systems set up to progressively weed out the tire kickers. Just like with the "opportunity seekers" from yesterday, tire kickers will wear you out with all of their uncertainty. If a person is unsure of what you're selling, that's one thing, but if they're unsure of whether or not they want to actually make a real change you may be in for a LONG battle of their own mental uncertainty. Do yourself a favor and have some sort of litmus test for your leads. Maybe a questionnaire or an application so you know their level of seriousness.
#4 What is Considered a Qualified Lead? This is where the questionnaire or application really becomes useful. Based on the responses you get you'll be able to tell if this person is for real or if they are just looking for something or someone to hang on to. I actually consider a lead to be qualified if they have already spent money. Nothing large, maybe $5-$10 on an e-book or newsletter. This shows me they are serious about not only the information, but they are willing to go to the next step.
#5 How are Leads Generated? This should be it's own separate Blog Post. In fact, I'm going to answer this question on it's own tomorrow. Simply because this is such a large subject. Fear not, however, tomorrow I will go through the ABC's of of an outline to get you up and rolling within a few days!
I hope this two part series of Network Marketing Leads FAQs has shed some light for you. Do me a favor and leave a comment and let me know either what your favorite method of lead generation is or what sorts of questions you've got about Network Marketing Leads. I hope to hear from you soon.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Network Marketing Leads FAQs Part 1
It seems that Lead Generation for your Network Marketing business has become a very big topic. So, I've decided to write out the most Frequently Asked Questions I get about Network Marketing Leads. I have broken this into two parts (you'll get the other one tomorrow.)
#1 Should I be buying Leads? Short answer is NO. Most leads you buy are not worth the paper they're printed on. What you are looking for are Highly Targeted leads who are already interested in you or your product/service. This makes building a LASTING organization much easier. Purchased leads will wear you down with the hemming and hawing and all the rejection.
#2 How Much Should I Pay per Lead? Well if you just listened to the answer in #1 you know the answer to this question is $0. You should be generating your own leads. Every business owner in every business needs to understand that before he/she can sell the world the world's newest widget, they need to be able to have a Market to sell to. Put on, and leave on, the Marketing hat!
#3 Can I Generate Free Leads? Can you ever! It's easier today than ever before to attract highly targeted and qualified lead traffic to your Landing Page, Squeeze Page, 800#, whatever it is that is driving sales for your business. Do some digging and begin to learn how to generate FREE Leads. Free Leads are normally the best leads because they have come from some sort of content rich form of Marketing and they are already interested by the time you speak with them.
#4 Are "Opportunity Seekers" the Best Leads? Actually quite the opposite. Three months after they have joined you, they'll be out "Seeking" another opportunity. You want people who are seeking YOU or your Product, service or opportunity. Opportunity seekers jump from one system to the next always wondering why it didn't work for them.
#5 Is My "Warm Market" the Best Place for Leads? Only if you want to alienate yourself from everyone who knows you and trusts you. Let's face facts here; people don't want to get involved with Network Marketing because they hate this factor. You are always told to go talk to your friends and your family. I guess the logic is that they will feel guilt ridden into joining your business and the company will continue to grow. A better idea is to learn how to effectively generate your own Network Marketing Leads.
If you didn't notice, the reoccurring theme here is to learn how to generate your own leads. If this is something that is unfamiliar to you, take the time to learn. This is the biggest factor between the Top Earners and the other 97%. Make sure to check us out again tomorrow for the next 5 Network Marketing Leads FAQs.
#1 Should I be buying Leads? Short answer is NO. Most leads you buy are not worth the paper they're printed on. What you are looking for are Highly Targeted leads who are already interested in you or your product/service. This makes building a LASTING organization much easier. Purchased leads will wear you down with the hemming and hawing and all the rejection.
#2 How Much Should I Pay per Lead? Well if you just listened to the answer in #1 you know the answer to this question is $0. You should be generating your own leads. Every business owner in every business needs to understand that before he/she can sell the world the world's newest widget, they need to be able to have a Market to sell to. Put on, and leave on, the Marketing hat!
#3 Can I Generate Free Leads? Can you ever! It's easier today than ever before to attract highly targeted and qualified lead traffic to your Landing Page, Squeeze Page, 800#, whatever it is that is driving sales for your business. Do some digging and begin to learn how to generate FREE Leads. Free Leads are normally the best leads because they have come from some sort of content rich form of Marketing and they are already interested by the time you speak with them.
#4 Are "Opportunity Seekers" the Best Leads? Actually quite the opposite. Three months after they have joined you, they'll be out "Seeking" another opportunity. You want people who are seeking YOU or your Product, service or opportunity. Opportunity seekers jump from one system to the next always wondering why it didn't work for them.
#5 Is My "Warm Market" the Best Place for Leads? Only if you want to alienate yourself from everyone who knows you and trusts you. Let's face facts here; people don't want to get involved with Network Marketing because they hate this factor. You are always told to go talk to your friends and your family. I guess the logic is that they will feel guilt ridden into joining your business and the company will continue to grow. A better idea is to learn how to effectively generate your own Network Marketing Leads.
If you didn't notice, the reoccurring theme here is to learn how to generate your own leads. If this is something that is unfamiliar to you, take the time to learn. This is the biggest factor between the Top Earners and the other 97%. Make sure to check us out again tomorrow for the next 5 Network Marketing Leads FAQs.
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