Friday, October 30, 2009

Building Your Online Business From Scratch

Too often I hear people talk about not having enough time or money to get started in this industry. The real reason would be that these people are afraid to start their business. You can't have it in your head that it's not the right time or you don't have enough money or you want to see how it goes, etc. If you're serious about the Direct Sales industry and building an Online Business, the time is always right and the time is NOW. As far as not having enough money, that's the exact reason why you need to take action right NOW!!! So, I've put together a few tips about how to Build Your Online Business From Scratch. I know, that's how I did it!

1) Content: I mention this so much I'm starting to get tired of hearing myself say it, I can only imagine what you must be thinking. However, it's the truth. You can never give too much content, and it's free to do. You can get your content out in multiple different ways. You can do articles, videos, press releases, blogs and even online classified ads. Do a Google search on distribution sites for articles and press releases. Youtube is a great place to start uploading your videos and a blog is the most simple tool you can get. The more content you can give the bigger following you will become. The best part about this is that it doesn't, nor should it be, company specific. This means you can have these followers and fans with you regardless of the company you're affiliated with. So start giving.

2) Reinvest: If you are Building Your Online Business From Scratch, you are going to have to reinvest your earnings back in to your business. I know this is business 101 and should be done regardless, but especially in the beginning. Remember, if you're building your business this way, that means you have little to no money. So, when your income starts flowing in, you need to start to upgrade. Maybe you begin to dabble in PPC or other types of paid advertising. I guess what I'm really trying to say is Don't go Spend that money on new shoes or a new iphone!! I know, this is not a popular mentality, but it is a must. Trust me, if you just hold out and continue to reinvest in yourself and your business, you'll be able to buy anything you want very shortly. In the beginning, you must remain focused and humble.

3) Training: This is for both you and your team. Most people think it is up to their upline or their sponsor to do all of the training. This is not the case. It is never too early for you to start training your team. The faster you can begin to implement this the faster you will begin to see bigger results. Not only that, but it will make you a better leader and a better Marketer. You will begin to understand what people truly need and where the void is that you need to fill. You also need to continue to train yourself. You will never stop this process. The minute you say something like, "I already know this," is the minute you stop growing and you have just limited yourself. NEVER stop growing!

Building Your Online Business From Scratch actually puts you at an advantage. Everyone else will not have the same sense of urgency and importance as you do. You MUST do things often and well or your business dwindles. Take the reigns and drive this thing all the way to the top. As your business begins to grow you'll notice people begin to thank you for your leadership and you won't even realize your doing it. Don't make excuses, make money and build your business. Let other people be nervous and timid, you need to be the leader and continue to climb. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Building Your Online Business Part Time

I have to consider myself fortunate that I am able to work my business full time. I understand that you may not be able to work your business the same hours that I work my business. Today, I write this to give you an idea of what most Top Earners do on a daily basis to continue to manufacture leads and build our businesses.

1) Marketing: First and foremost marketing is the #1 part of your business that ALWAYS needs to be done. Whatever media s of marketing you choose, they must be done everyday…no exceptions. This is what continues to keep “The Wheel Turning” as I like to say. If you stop your marketing efforts, you might as well stop counting your money. If you don’t have a constant amount of prospects entering in your pipeline, you have basically shut your doors.

2) Time Leadership: I talk about this often. If you don’t have leadership of your time, your time will control you. ALL top producers in ANY industry know exactly what they are going to do down to the hour. And, I can promise you, the majority of their time is spent doing Income Producing Activities. For us, in the industry we are in, those activities are Marketing. So, if you are not working this business full time and you are doing this on your spare time, you have to MAKE time to work this business. TURN THE T.V. OFF when you get home. If you work a J.O.B. and then come home to this business, you have to make some changes to your evening plans. Enjoy some time with the family and then let them know that you HAVE to go to work to set you and the rest of the family FREE. So many times I will send emails and phone calls to folks about things to get done in the evening. Then, I talk to them the next day and they still haven’t done the work!! My only response is,” get used to the results you have because they won’t change until you do.” DO IT NOW!!! Stay ahead of the game and the game will change your life!

3) Teaching and Recruiting: Let’s face it; you aren’t going to build a huge business by yourself. You are going to have to be able to have a few leaders who want to duplicate your success. This means you have to first do the things that get you in front of the leaders. Trust me, if you do recruit a leader and you don’t work as much as they do, they will leave you. I understand this may not be your main source of income YET. That doesn’t mean it should take a back seat. You need to work this business HARDER than you work your J.O.B. This beautiful industry will pay you 10 fold what your J.O.B. will pay you. When you have taken the time to become an expert, you will be able to teach the same concepts and principles to those whom you recruit. “Fake it ‘till you make it” is the WORST advice I’ve ever heard. Work it ‘till you make it will always give you the results you want and will be evident to your recruits and your income!

Don’t fall into the victim mentality of not having enough time. That’s an excuse you’ve told yourself or your family for not having the results you want. This industry is full of individuals who worked their J.O.B during the day and then from 7 p.m. – 1 a.m. worked their Online Business. The only thing that separates them from you is the story they have told themselves. Don’t tell stories, no results and a story will never get you to your goals. Make it your story to work this business and become a Top Producer and I’ll see you at the top. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Monday, October 26, 2009

3 Feet From Gold & Your Online Business

If you're not familiar with the story of 3 Feet From Gold, I'll give you a brief overview. It is about a man named Mr. Darby. Mr. Darby decided he was going to head west and mine for Gold. So, he headed west and started what he had set out to do. Sure enough, he struck Gold. He then headed back home to the East Coast so he could get funding for all of the proper equipment.

Back in the mountains of Colorado, Darby worked like crazy to get all of the Gold he could. He was at a break even point and was thrilled that the rest of the Gold would bring him pure profit. Then, a funny thing happened. He kept drilling but there was no more Gold! What had happened? He was so disappointed with time spent and not finding any more Gold that he quit. He sold all of his equipment to a junk guy and headed home to the East Coast.

The Junk man, on the other hand, decided to get some expert advice from engineers and the like and found that Mr. Darby just didn't know enough about the fault lines and that there was more Gold 3 FEET AWAY!! So the junk guy ended up pulling millions of dollars worth of Gold out of the same place Darby had quit.

Can you relate to this story? How many times have you been working away at something and it seems like you are getting nowhere? Trust me, you are getting somewhere. You are digging your ditches expecting it to rain.

Too many times in this industry, people hear stories of great wealth and extravagant lifestyles. Then they jump in head first wanting the same results in their life and in their business. However, when faced with the road blocks of success, they lose sight of what had brought them there and they quit. You have got to keep going! You have got to keep working! Your attitude and mindset during rough times are when your attitude and mindset matter most. Rough times are the times when the fortunes are made or lost.

Gold is waiting for you too. All you need to do is keep drilling. Do you think the same people you hear about who are manufacturing 100+ leads a day were doing that the first day they got involved in this business. NO! They mastered a skill and sought out the advice of those who knew what they were doing. Just like the junk guy in the story sought out expert advice to get what he wanted. It's time for you to do the same. Find a mentor, find a leader, one who will give you all the tools necessary for you to dig up your Gold. This game is easier played when you know the rules and have a good coach. Don't let anything stand in the way of your desires. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Are You Making The Most of Your MLM Compensation Plan?

Are you making the most of your MLM compensation plan? Most plans these days are set up for you to make money multiple different ways. In most there are 8-10 or even more ways for you to make money. The purpose of most of the different areas to earn are for you to be able to make money while you're building your business. I've heard it called all sorts of different names, but whatever you are getting paid on a first order or new distributor/member, etc is set up for you to be able to put money in your pocket while you're building your business. Let's take a look at how this is all put together.

1) Initial Money: This is never a very large payment and isn't intended to be the main driver of your income. What this does is enable you to continue to promote your business. If you're doing any sort of paid advertising like PPC, banner ads, or anything similar, you are going to have to earn a little money to help offset those costs. For most companies this is a relatively small amount of money, sometimes in the $40 range. Do not over look this as chump change. This alone can help keep you in business.

2) Residual: This would be the bread and butter of a typical MLM compensation plan. This is all based on volume. So, the larger your organization, the more volume you are going to produce. The more volume you produce, the larger your residual commission check is going to be. This is why it is a MUST that you are an expert at recruiting other leaders. I would rather personally recruit 10 solid leaders a year than 100 individuals who where wishy washy about the business. A leader is going to produce the same results you do. They will take direction very well and will be hungry to begin to utilize the same strategies that you use. This is key in building a large sustainable organization.

3) Leadership Pools: At some rank in your company, you will probably be eligible for a certain percentage of the overall company volume. This can be substantial. Especially considering you have already been taking advantage of every other way to get paid within your company. Just put it like this...if you're receiving the leadership pool, you are making a fantastic income. This is like getting CEO type bonuses at the end of the year, so don't take this for granted.

So often people get caught up in just the recruiting aspect that they forget the company has put together an MLM compensation plan that will not only keep them in business, but will help them towards financial freedom. There are going to be times in your business when you just want to recruit like crazy in order to stack some chips. Then, take your stack and begin to drive TONS of traffic into your lead manufacturing system and sales process. After you've made it to this point, you are looking to recruit leaders to duplicate your success and take you to the huge residuals and ultimately the leadership pools. Understand how your MLM compensation plan works so you can take full advantage of it. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Think and Grow Rich Desire

I'm sure you are familiar with the great Napoleon Hill and his most famous work "Think and Grow Rich." If you have not read this book you need to stop everything you're doing and go read it! This booked is based on his research of predominant qualities of some of the most successful and wealthiest individuals of his time.

Today I'm going to talk about the second chapter...Desire. In this chapter Mr. Hill describes desire as The Starting Point of All Achievement. He goes on to say that it's not a hope, want or a wish. No, it's something much greater than that, it's a burning desire. I'm going to try and give a couple examples of how this comes into play with the Direct Sales industry.

Everyone who decides to take the leap and join a particular company does so with the best of intentions. I talk to people in this business and other businesses who use terms like, want and wish. While these terms are again meant with the best intentions, they will always leave you with more want and wishes. It is very easy to use terms like this because if something doesn't go your way or you are met with a road block you can simply justify it to yourself and others by saying it was just a wish. I've got news for you...wishes come true when you make them come true.

When you have Desire for something, nothing stands in your way. This isn't a "fired up" feeling. Quite the opposite. It's almost a calmness, a feeling of knowing it has already happened. You see, the problem with being fired up is that it is usually (at least in this industry) geared towards simply making more money. You have to understand that if your energy is all placed around making more money so you can pay next months bills or you can buy that new toy or whatever the case may be, you will often be disappointed and that same energy will work against you. Why do you think there is a 97% failure rate in this industry, it's not because of the "systems."

You have got to get yourself to a place of wanting a larger picture. Make your why something that truly moves you. Do you really think Russel Simmons cares about making another million dollars, or is he now out to see how far he can go and how much change he can bring to the world. It's time for you to do the same. Look inside yourself and start to think BIG! I'm not talking about changing your dream car from a Benz to a Bentley, but how many people can you take with you!

Have a desire to change the industry. Have a desire to be respected by the other Top Earners in this industry. Have a desire to make change so that everyone can experience the joy and freedom that this industry offers when done correctly with passion for others success. It's been said a hundred times that if you make it an intention to go to the moon and only make it half way, that's still pretty remarkable!

So look in the mirror. Do you have the Desire Napoleon Hill talks of in Think and Grow Rich? Or, do you daydream about new cars, toys and paying your bills? Make this a must and it will give you all of your Dreams. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

What Is An MLM Sponsoring System

What is an MLM Sponsoring System? As many of you know I'm a huge believer in systems. This is by no means a new process or one that even needs to be over thought. For business, it is simply the process by which your customer, or potential customer, goes from starting point to sale and ultimately repeat customer. EVERY good business on the planet is set up this way. Think about it next time your at the Grocery store, Bank or your favorite restaurant.

So how does this relate to you and your business. Well, if you're in MLM, Network Marketing or any other form of Direct Sales it's important for you to build a good organization. There are three types of people who you will do business with in this industry. There are the consumers, the dead spots and your producers. Depending on what your compensation plan looks like it's not a bad thing to have all of them.

Now, with a good MLM Sponsoring System in place, you can add another type of consumer to your business...a retail consumer. This is someone who isn't involved in the business with you, they just simply love your product and continue to buy. They may buy once and they may be a repeat buyer. If this person turns into a repeat buyer, you should do them a favor and have them become a distributor of your product so they can see a discount. The best part about the retail buyer is the fact that you make a little money. I know, it's not much money at all when compared to the real money to be made with the comp plan, but it allows you money to offset your Marketing costs.

Too many people get in this industry and look at one thing and one thing only...sponsor anyone and everyone. You have to be able to break this thing down just like any other business. You need to be able to make money on the front end with your leads even if they DON'T join your business. This simple process, which is commonly referred to as a funded proposal, is what enables the Top Earners to continue to do more expensive avenues of Marketing and generate even more leads!

So, how do you start to do this on your own? Easy, it's the same as everything I always talk about. You have to give Value to your prospect in the form of relevant content! The more you do this, the more people will notice. The more people take notice, the larger your following becomes. The larger your following, the more interested people become in what your doing and how you're doing it. This is a perfect opportunity to offer them something. Something free but still jammed with Value and content. This could be a report, newsletter, video, etc. Whatever it is, make sure to give value and relevant content. Do not pitch them.

Congratulations, you now have a lead. This is a lead who has seen or read some of your Marketing (valuable relevant content) and has made their way to your blog or page and has requested more information. Do you see the shift starting to take place? You are not harassing this person, you gave this person enough information until they can make their own decision. Now, this person is on your personal list and will be receiving emails from you for as long and as often as you choose. THIS is when you continue to give valuable relevant content but you begin to let them know what else is available. This is when you could begin to mention some sort of "funded proposal." Nothing overboard or expensive, just something to introduce them into your business. And this, is the beginning of your MLM Sponsoring System.

This process has been going on for more than 100 years. For some reason it's only until recently people in the Direct Sales industry have decided to implement this into their businesses. And, as you can see, there are relative newcomers to your business that are knocking it out of the park. This is a business, and should be treated as such. If you're expecting to simply sign up and hit the highest rank in your comp plan without some sort of system and structure, go play the lottery.

As the days and the weeks go by I'll begin to dive a little deeper into What Is An MLM Sponsoring System, but for right now just the overall concept needs to be understood. Get your ducks in a row and do some research. Find a system that works for you and that you'll be able to manage. This isn't rocket science, it's actually quite simple when you let the system do the sifting, sorting, telling and selling. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

There Are More Pieces To This Puzzle

I'm sitting here on a Thursday night doing keyword research and getting ready to start reading a book and it hit me! You, as a reader and/or "student of the game," have so many resources to learn the how to of building a successful business online and begin to build a large organization.

What very few of us really talk about are the habitual day-to-days that help Build the mentality of stepping in to the role of a Huge Leader of Leaders! That is exactly what this whole business is about. You aren't in the business of pitching someone or closing someone, you are in the business of cultivating leaders to replicate your success. You DON'T want to sponsor everyone. You want to develop leaders!

The subject of mentality and mindset come up and are talked about like catch phrases. I don't know about any of you, but I spend time EVERYDAY cultivating myself into a better Leader of Leaders. This, my friends, is the missing key. If you haven't become the person it takes to build a million dollar business, it's gonna be a long road! It's often been said people need to "Dig Ditches." Do want it to rain or not!

It's not a sometimes process. That's not what we're about around here. So, from now on I'm going to take jewels of wisdom from some of the greats in the past to be discussed here about how they correlate to the business you're trying to build. I welcome comments from anyone. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Find your Network Marketing MARKET

Do you know who your customer is? And I don't mean his/her name and where they come from. I mean do you know what demographic they fall in? When your were first introduced into The Direct Sales industry or Network Marketing, you were probably told to "build a list" and to use a "memory jogger" to help build that list. Now, you hear things like, "the money is in the list." Well I can only imagine if I were just starting out I'd have some questions about this "list" and where do I get one or how do I build one. So today I'm going to give you just a quick example of what I'm talking about.

Every Market in every industry has top earners and leaders. Think of any brand in any market in any industry and I'm sure you can think of a few companies right off the top of your head. So let me ask you this...when was the last time you saw an ad for Gucci in a Field & Stream magazine? If you're stumped, the answer is NEVER! This Billion Dollar company understands who buys their product and where their money and time is wasted. You say, "Well that's great Dave, those companies have entire departments that track the conversion data." So do you! Look, one of the greatest things about this industry is that in most cases it only consists of you and sometimes one assistant (if you're a Heavy Hitter.) You get to make the decisions of where your Marketing and advertising shows up. You also get to look at the data and find out where you are profitable and where you are wasting time and money.

I'd bet that if you were to look at your tracking conversions, you would increase profitability by at least 20%. Please understand this is not a claim, just an observation. If you spend time, money and resources in an area that does not bring back any sort of revenue, kill it! I don't care how much time you spent or how much money it costs, it doesn't work and they don't buy! On the other hand, if you find an area that is producing revenue and it is happening consistently, split test that area. You may find that one certain type of Marketing and Advertising works better than others. This will again help you increase your profitability by increasing your conversions and cutting your costs.

When getting into Network Marketing, people want to just throw mud against the wall and see what sticks. This is not how you want to approach your Marketing efforts. At first, yes, you are going to over pay and over work yourself to find things that work. The key is to find what works and the make it better. How much more confident would you be in your Marketing efforts if you KNEW you were going to make money and serve a highly targeted number of customers? I'd bet if you knew you were going to win, you'd play more often and you'd play bigger.

So get smart about your business. Treat it like a business and it will treat you like a piggy bank. The best part about this piggy bank is that you get to decide how large the denominations are!! Find your Network Marketing Market and start to control your business and your future. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Are You Using Social Media Correctly?

Let me start this by asking a very simple question to find out if Your Using Social Media Correctly. Would you rather have 10,000 followers who SOMETIMES see what you say, or, would you rather have 1,000 followers who hang on EVERY word you say? You see for us as Biz Builders, and specifically Marketers in the Direct Sales industry, it's all about conversion. I can promise you a person with a list of 5,000 laser targeted subscribers will outperform someone with a list of 50,000 hodgepodge subscribers. This is simply because of the conversion rate.

Think about this from your own perspective for just a moment. How many emails do you get from individuals that you have subscribed to? Of those people, how many do you actually read? Better yet, how many of them come to your primary email address? You see, we are all going through the same thing and playing the same game. So why is it that there are some people in this industry who are followed like Rock Stars and everyone else is spinning their wheels? It's like Time Square. You definitely notice everything on the Billboards and all of the flashing lights. But it almost seems that the HUGE amount of traffic from both people and vehicles is secondary (unless your crossing the street.)

Seriously, think about it for just a minute. Is your message getting communicated correctly and effectively, or, are you just another one of the "talking heads?" I know you're expecting me to unveil this long kept secret that has some of the most respected individuals in your market wearing the crown of a King. And your right, I will tell you what the difference is...Quality Content done on a consistent basis.

I know, I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record but it's the truth. People gravitate towards individuals who have done it and are willing and gracious to give their advice. You know what you do when you give someone the Keys to The Kingdom? You teach them how to put the key in the door, how to turn it just right (because the door is not centered), how to open the door (does it pull out or do you push in) and then you make sure they step over the door frame. I'm dead serious! And this is what separates the Rock Stars in your industry from the other 97%. Now I'm going to give you another secret about HOW they are able to do that...

They all have experience that has lead them to where they are. That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, they all worked their way to where they are. Now, for them, this stuff is easy. One, because they don't repeat the same mistakes, and two, (The Big One) they have wrapped their MINDS around the fact that it is possible because they have done it before!

So, this all comes back around to Are You Using Social Media Correctly? Next time you decide to send a "Tweet" or post on your Facebook page, make sure you GIVE something that people want to see. Also, be selective of the people you decide to Friend and Follow. Don't be afraid to un-follow someone or remove someone as a friend. Don't get caught up in the Ego of it all. Who cares if you have 30,000 followers if your Marketing converts at less than .001% If you're in Social Media as a business, you don't care about the Quantity of your followers and friends, you care about the Quality. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Gain Twitter Followers While You Sleep

Twitter has quickly become one of the most visited sites on the internet. We all know that in order for people (traffic) to see what you have to say or what you have to offer, you need to have Followers. With Twitter, a Follower is simply someone who will receive your "tweets" or your messages as you post them. So, what I'm going to do today is give you one VERY effective way to gain followers even while you sleep. For some of you this may be old news, but for those of you just getting started, you can literally end up with 2,000 followers in a week without software that Twitter will frown upon.

First things first, get an account. This is probably the easiest account I've ever set up in my life so I'm not going to walk you through it. You should choose a user name that is YOU or the same as your Blog. I have two, one of me and one that corresponds to this blog. This is going to help you later in your internet marketing career as you get more in touch with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You are making it easier for the Search Engines to find more relevant content about you and/or your blog so you can get higher natural rankings! This is a good thing.

Next, set up a picture. DO NOT use the standard issue picture that Twitter gives you. This is how people know you're not for real and/or you're just going to be spamming them all day. Find a nice picture that ties into the rest of your theme. This is the beginning process of Branding YOU. If you notice, I've got the same picture on Twitter, Facebook and this Blog. It's like a nice suit being pulled together by the shoes. Okay, that's a joke but just do it, you want that picture to be recognized and affiliated with you and all of your great content.

After you've got your account set up it's time to get to work. You are going to visit 2 different sites to get your Twitter page customized for YOU. The first is where you can get free twitter backgrounds. This is going to help fit right in with the rest of your theme and give people the idea that you take your business seriously and you are going to be giving professional stuff here.

The next is This site will allow you to automatically set up an auto welcome. So, when someone decides to follow you, they get an automatic response from you that says whatever you want it to say. This should be something nice and inviting, you are NOT selling them anything with this message, just saying hi and thanks.

Here's where it gets interesting. Most people have this feature and will also have it set up to automatically follow you in return. So what you're gonna want to do next is find 3 people per day that are in your industry, market or you otherwise just think are badass. After you follow them, go through 3-5 pages of their followers and follow those who you have something in common with. Don't do more than 3 people per day and don't do more than 5 pages of followers per person. Fly under the radar and you'll be just fine. Not only will you be fine, but you'll end up with 100+ followers in a day or so!

So there you have it. This is what I talk about when I say give valuable content. You can have your Twitter account set up RIGHT NOW and generating followers in a matter of one hour. Do the math yourself. How long will it take you to get 2,000 followers if you are consistent with this approach each day. In marketing, it's all a numbers game, the more eyes the better. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

How To Use Social Media To Build Your Business

Today I'm going to shed some light on How To Use Social Media To Build Your Business. Okay, we all know that sites like Twitter and Facebook have a massive following right now. Some of you, if not all of you, probably visit these sites from time to time. And, some of you are probably Junkies! Admit it, you update your profile more often than you change socks. So, with all of this traffic, how do we use it to benefit our business? Good question, here are a few quick tips.

1) Make Friends: The first thing you need to do is make friends. You can do this by simply getting to know other people who are in the same industry as you. Or, you can find people whom you admire and/or enjoy their work. On Facebook, this is as easy as sending them a "Friend request" and on twitter, the easiest thing to do is to simply follow that person. It's okay on Twitter, following someone will not get you in trouble with the law! I don't think!! There are tools available so you can set up your replies automatically to follow or friend someone in return when they decide to follow of friend you. I know, it gets a little confusing, but if you're going to use this as a means to drive traffic, you've got to set up some systems or you'll spend all day doing nothing.

2) Value: This is no different than anything we've talked about before. If someone is following you or has become your friend, they are already interested. DO NOT go out and place advertisements all over your Facebook page. This is a sure fire way for people to remove you from their list and for the others to just ignore your posts. How would you like to drive into a Jiffy Lube and without even seeing your car, the guy at the desk lists off 40 items that need work and you should buy? Something tells me you'd be confused and a little turned off. Get to know people before you assume they would be a right fit for you or your business. This is a process that takes a little time. You can post links to your blog and/or articles as long as those posts are giving relevant content and provide some value.

3) Personable: Facebook especially is a place for people to get to know you. Someone may have seen an article of yours or have read a blog post about your industry or market, and now they go to Facebook to get a good idea of YOU. So be yourself, as long as yourself isn't hammered in every photo and all of your posts are profanity laden rants that are just going to scare people. If that is you, maybe being in an industry where your #1 product is you, isn't the right choice. So, keep to a theme that is helpful mixed in with some current events of your life. Keep people interested, not bored or irritated.

As you spend more time and see other people you admire work this thing called Social Media, you to will gain an understanding of How To Use Social Media To Build Your Business. Get out there and make some friends (Anyone else have flashbacks to 4th Grade.) Provide people with valuable content and you'll have this Social Media thing working in your favor in no time flat. I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Are You Afraid To Build Your Network Marketing Business?

Are you? There is more opportunity right now than ever before. That's right, I said it and I'll say it again...There is more opportunity right now than ever before. So, are You Afraid To Build Your Network Marketing Business? You could spend 10 minutes right now and find dozens of resources for you to systematically build your business. Why don't you do it? If you know me very well, you know I have no problem telling you why, because you're afraid! That's right, you are outright scared. I'm not going to dive into your psychology, you probably should. But I am going to point out two of the biggest hurdles I see standing in front of people and building their businesses today.

1) Not Knowing: Back in the day you were supposed to simply make a list of your "warm market." This consists of your closest 200 people who barely know you and could care less about your product/opportunity. This in and of itself is why there is a stigma surrounding this beautiful industry called Direct Sales. Now, we are in the internet age where generating leads and driving traffic to your page is easier than ever. However, now I hear, "I don't know how to use a computer that well." Or, "I'm not a very technical person." I've got three words for you...GET OVER IT!! Look, this whole process is very simple and easy to understand. We are a society built on great individuals that came before us like Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, The Wright Brothers, Henry Ford and more recently guys like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. I'm not asking you to discover electricity or come out with the next iphone (which I'd bet money most of you own.) No, I'm asking you to take a system that someone else developed and all you need to do is implement it. What you're really telling me is you don't want it that bad.

2) Failure: Okay, this time I won't tell you to get over it. I am, however, going to tell you to DEAL WITH IT! Face it, it's a part of life and without it you would never learn how to beat it. Nobody ever succeeded at anything worth a damn the first time they tried. Did you walk gracefully the first time you tried? How about the first time you tried hitting a golf ball or riding a unicycle? NO, you busted your butt every time and looked like an idiot. The reward, however, seemed magical to you so you kept going. I'm talking to you about building a Million Dollar business and you don't want to because it might not work?!? Because some people you know might think you're silly?!? Fate and Success Favor the Bold my friends.

So there you have it, the two biggest obstacles I see daily from people trying to build their Network Marketing Business. Get out of your own way and begin to thrive! You aren't the first and you won't be the last. We're talking about building a Hugely Successful Network Marketing Business, not jumping off the roof into a 5 gallon bucket of water. Something tells me if I offered to show you TO THE DETAIL how I operate my business, most would give some lame answer or another. The few who do say YES, are the few who you see and read about as "Overnight Success." Take the Fear out and replace it with the FUN when you are Building Your Network Marketing Business. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Wanna Know How To Sponsor More Network Marketing Reps?

Do you really wanna know How To Sponsor More Network Marketing Reps? The only reason I ask is simply because most people ask but few people do. For some reason or another people think they can come in to the Direct Sales industry and live a vacation. They hear the stories of someone working 3 hrs a day and they read The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris. Then they jump into this business and within 90 days they are gone wondering why so many people lied to them. So, I'm going to answer two of the biggest questions I get asked:

1) How Do I Sponsor More Reps?: Well the simple answer is to generate more leads! This is the DIRECT SALES industry and sales is simply a huge numbers game. It is true that the vast majority of the individuals who see your product/opportunity are going to say no. So, you need to set up a lead generation system that does all of the sifting and sorting for you. Then when you do find yourself on the phone or in person with your prospect, the SYSTEM has pre-qualified them. Imagine how much more profitable your business would be if you only talked to interested people. The confidence and enthusiasm alone are worth a million dollars. This is the #1 difference between the top 2% of earners and everyone else, they always have people to talk to. What makes this even more exciting is that the system is repeatable. Which means your team, that is now growing by leaps and bounds, has access to the same system you do so they can grow their team just as you do! Are you beginning to see the possibilities!?

2) Will I Ever Get To Work 3 hrs/Day?: Yes, and probably 4, 5, 6 & 7! Look, yes it is possible to get to a place where you simply don't need to put in the hours anymore. But I've got news for you, it's gonna take some time, effort and money before you get there. This is a business and should be treated as such. There will come a time when you have figured out all of your systems and the only thing you have to do is recruit, teach and earn money. However, until you get to a position where your team is that big and your income is that substantial, you are going to have to dig your ditches if you ever expect it to rain!! Work as though you expect greatness and greatness will appear.

So there you've got it, the two most common questions I get. This may not have been exactly what you had in mind about How To Sponsor More Network Marketing Reps, but it's the truth about what it takes. I've got a question for you...If I showed you EVERYTHING I've got that I use to build my business, including me walking you through step by step, would you do it? Would You? Most people say, "Yeah, I'd see if it works," or, "I'd give it a shot." If these are your answers, keep looking. I know, just like those before me knew, it works. The missing ingredient isn't the system, strategy or magic pill. The missing link in How To Sponsor More Network Marketing Reps is you. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Network Marketing Lead Generation System Less than $20

Yes, you can have a fully functioning Network Marketing Lead Generation System set up for less than $20! Most people assume that in order for them to have a great lead generation system, they are going to have to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Well, today, I've got the budget concise Biz Builders in mind. I'm going to take you through one simple processes to have you up and running for less than $20.

I am going to assume that you have already done enough research or read enough of my stuff to know that you are already doing AT LEAST two different methods of FREE Marketing. Whether you are writing articles, press releases or doing videos and social media, you are doing something. So, I'm also going to assume you have been able to get a few visitors to your site and are just simply waiting for the leads to come rushing in. This all brings us to today's topic...Auto Responders.

No business, online or off, can convert as much business as they need without some sort of follow up. It's been proven that the majority of individuals don't buy something until they have seen it 7 times. Also, if you've spent any time in sales, you know that the majority of your business comes from follow up. However, in this day and age, we are all focused on what we are doing right now. Call this an immediate justification or what have you. Whatever the case, most people suck at follow up. So, I'm going to go over Auto Responders.

My personal favorite comes from They are very well respected around this industry and I don't have one colleague or respected friend in the industry who doesn't use them. An auto responder allows you to do two things, if not more: capture information and continually follow up with your potential lead, client, etc.

You are able to have multiple lists. This just simply means however many different offers you've got, you can have a list and a subsequent message, that corresponds to that particular list. You can literally set it up so that your prospect hears from you everyday for a year! It is also automatically set up so that when the email goes out, your prospects name appears everywhere you wan to use their name in the message. If you've spent any time in sales or no anything about communication, you know how sweet it is for someone to hear their own name.

Now you have the ability, within your messages, to make different offers and send different messages throughout the process. If you spend enough time and think this through, you can actually begin to run promotions this way. Say you offer a 25% discount on your offer over the next week. You can make it so that each email for the next week continues to remind them of the time that is running out. Whatever you want it to be, you can customize it accordingly.

Linkbacks! It is extremely important for you to have linkbacks in your messages. I promise you, your prospect has forgotten what website they visited to start getting your messages. Do all of the work for them. Always remind them why they are hearing from you and where you guys got to know each other and most importantly why they want to do business with you. Make sure you've always got your call to action in your message. It's a shame when someone is ready to say yes and there is no Linkback to your sales page.

I say this is a Network Marketing Lead Generation System for less than $20 because your auto responder is going to cost $19.99. You are also going to be driving traffic to your page through FREE Marketing that you have learned from some of my other writings. All of this will give your prospect the impression that you are running a million dollar organization with tons of help. The funny thing is that you will run a million dollar organization this way and you will have tons of help, it's called outsourcing. Begin to utilize these tools and you will have your own Network Marketing Lead Generation System for less Than $20. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

How To Generate Network Marketing Leads in 24hrs!

The purpose of this article is to pull back the curtain a little and have you up and running in no time flat! 24 hrs or less to be precise. There are a few things that need to be in place in order for you to be fully integrated and ready to drive traffic to your Landing Page in 2009. After implementing these items you will be ready to begin to Generate Network Marketing Leads in 24 hrs. So, here we go.

1) Social Media: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, Myspace, Betternetworker and any other social networking site is somewhere you need to be. As I write this article, there are some that are more popular than others but we all know that can change very quickly, so get used to all of them and use your favorite. The purpose of the social media sites is to let your leads/prospects to get a chance to understand who you are. You DO NOT want to sell anything on these sites, you want to give as much relevant content as possible. So, think of the company, product/service you're affiliated with. What are some of the benefits associated with your company. Whatever it is for you, make yourself the expert. So, if you have a natural shampoo you're promoting, become an expert about shampoo. Not just your shampoo, but all of them. It's much easier for a consumer to choose you if they understand how your product stands up against everything else that is on the market. Good ways to get your information onto Social Media sites would be to write an article or do a video and then post that article or video to, say, your Facebook page. This way, if a prospect reads one of your articles and does some research about you, they can find a TON of info that you have written on your Social Media pages. This gives you social proof and credit.

2) Blog: This is an outlet for all things both YOU and YOUR industry. This is NOT a place for your company or product/opportunity. This is simply a place to again give tons of relevant content to your reader. All of this is positioning yourself as a leader in your industry so when your prospect does decide to go with someone, they decide you. I would recommend having two blogs. A blog that is about you and a blog that is just about your industry. Remember, if someone reads just one of your articles, you are nothing to that person. I hate to sound direct, but it's true. Now, if that prospect likes what he/she has read or seen they may follow you to one of your blogs. After they have done this, now they get a better understanding of who you are and what you're about. Suddenly you have just become The Man! or The Woman! Either way, you have positioned yourself as a leader who knows what they are talking about. The more relevant content the better. Make sure you're giving quality information. This isn't All about selling something. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care, so GIVE!!!

3) Articles & Videos: You should write AT LEAST one article a day! You should do AT LEAST one video a day! Do your research and find your "money spot" keywords/phrases and hammer them. Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, nobody ever dominated the natural rankings of Google in a day. Content, content, content is the name of this game. The more relevant and the better quality, the more the search engines like you. The more the search engines like you, the easier it is for your prospects to find you. This is easier than you think. Your articles should be less than about 800 words and your videos should be less than 5 minutes. The easiest process would be to do a video about the article you just wrote. This makes sure you don't run out of ideas. You follow that schedule for 1 month and you will DOMINATE your particular niche keyword phrase!

4) Auto Responders: It has been researched and proven that individuals buy after seeing something 7 times. So, on your blogs you need to have what is called an opt-in form. This is where you headline it with something like, "Tired of unhealthy roots and dry split ends!? Leave your information below and I'll rush you a 3 part series about one-step Healthier Hair!" I'm sticking with the Shampoo theme we're working with here, so bear with me! Now, when your prospect enters his/her information they are immediately emailed a confirmation and they will receive your report in the interval dates of your choice. The emails should not stop after the report. Set up your auto responders to continue to email them for a few months. You never know when someone will be ready to say YES! Again, just like with everything else, make sure your Auto responder emails contain relevant quality content.

So, to have you ready to Generate Network Marketing Leads in 24 hrs you need to set up your Social Media accounts, start AT LEAST one blog, start writing articles and doing videos, and get your auto responder account set up and emails written. Setting all of this up will only take you a couple hours. After which, you will have a system set up that generates leads FOR you while you work to continue to crank the Marketing Wheel. So get out there and get these items done and you'll be set up to Generate Network Marketing Leads in 24 hrs. I hope this helps on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Does Your Home Based Business Work?

I get asked questions like, "Is this a scam?" "How do I know it's going to work?" "Is there anyone making any money?" My initial thought is that the people asking these types of questions have no business getting in this industry. The Top Earners in this industry automatically see opportunity in the industry. These individuals understand that when they join a certain company or sale a certain product, the success they have is completely up to them. The company has supplied you with a product, has done there own promotion and marketing and given you a lucrative compensation plan. Now, it's up to you to make this thing work. So, what are you going to do to ensure you have some success with this thing? I've got a couple ideas to help you get off the ground.

1) Don't Reinvent The Wheel: There are successful individuals in your company. What are they doing to have as much success as they do? Whatever you see them doing, you want to do that. Now please keep in mind you should be doing what they are doing. If the tell you to do something they are not doing, this should be a red flag. Most top earners are experts at recruiting other leaders. This is the #1 factor in the success of your business. Sure, at the end of the day it's all about volume, but if you want to start to see larger residual money, and who doesn't, you need to begin to recruit other leaders. This isn't something staggering either. You are going to want to recruit 3-5 leaders per year. When it's broken down like that it doesn't seem so bad does it? Please understand, however, you will need far more "consumers" in your organization than just 3-5 per year.

2) Repeatable System: This is when you truly begin to flourish! Remember I said find a leader and do what they do? Now, you have become that person. It is now up to you to give the same system and strategies you use to your team. In the corporate world this is unheard of. Someone may steal your glory! In this industry, it is the only way to glory. Your team has to produce..PERIOD. Remember, this is all about volume the more superstar producers on your team, the better for your business. The best way to do that is to have a system in place that works for you and that you can implement with you team.

3) Don't Wast Time: A long time ago I heard the theory of the 4 SW's: Some Will, Some Won't, So What, Someone's Waiting! At first, you live and die with every single person who says they may or may not join your organization. No other company on the planet operates this way, why on Earth are you. You are running a business! If someone says yes, fantastic, get them plugged into the system and get them started the right way and nurture them. If someone says no, so what, someone's waiting! If you get over involved with each prospect you are killing yourself mentally. You are basically telling yourself you have nobody else to talk to and if this person doesn't join your business is over. This is a Bad place to be mentally. This will also help position you as a leader. If someone says no, no sweat! This type of attitude will actually attract more people into your business. Trust me, EVERYONE has been approached about a Home Based Business Opportunity. They just haven't been approached about one by a Pro like yourself.

So the next time you hear someone say, "Does Your Home Based Business Work?" Laugh it off and just so, "No, I actually think the whole thing is a scam!" And watch as their face lights up with worry. Let them worry, and let yourself reap all the rewards this industry has to offer. And yes, Your Home Based Business Works!! Do You? I hope this helps you on your Journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Your Network Marketing Success

Every year hundreds of thousands, if not millions, or people decide to throw their hat in the ring of Network Marketing. Each of them coming in to the opportunity with Big dreams and an unwavering desire to make things happen. This excitement is what brought all of us to the Direct Sales industry. The problem I see happen to most peoples dreams is that they fade away when they don't see immediate success. On one hand I want to say, "Get over it, it's just like every other business and it's gonna take some time." Then I realize this type of individual will weed themselves out so I should save my energy for my next comment. "Your dreams can come true, you just haven't been shown how to properly generate leads and recruit into your organization." I'm going to try to shed some light on how to generate some free leads and help you with your recruiting process. My disclaimer is this, however, there is no magic pill, course or program that will replace your hard work and effort. Even the best courses and systems out there, and there are some good courses, won't do it for you. It all starts and ends with you. Having said that, here we go!

1) Leadership: This is such a broad topic it ought to be written about on its own. For the purposes of today I'm simply talking about what YOU do to build your business. It's not necessary for you to try to act like a leader or read a script or come across as something you're not. What is important is when you speak with a new prospect you do certain things like keep control of the conversation. Without a doubt your new prospect is going to ask you about your success with company XYZ. How do you handle this? Do you sense his/her nervousness and get on their level and answer with something like, "Well, I just kinda got started and I'm giving it a shot and we'll see." Most of you reading this are thinking that's a horrible answer, but most of you reading this answer those sort of questions just like that. I know, I've been sitting right next to people when they do. I've even had someone say it to me! That, my friends, is not leadership. You immediately turn that, and any other similar question, right back on your prospect. "This isn't about me, I am here to help you succeed, let's talk about what you're looking for and what has brought you to a place where you're ready to build this business!" You may think I'm crazy or forward, but you have IMMEDIATELY positioned yourself as a leader!

2) Ownership: This doesn't simply mean you have a Distributor I.D. # and that makes you an owner. I mean when your friends ask you what you've been up to, you don't hide the fact that you're in direct sales! Own the fact that you have taken your life and financial future back in your hands. This is something to be very proud of and something very few actually believe and own! This simple little tip is what separates the top 3% from the other 97% who continue to bounce from opportunity to opportunity thinking the next one will work, it's gotta be the company. Wrong, it's YOU! If you just landed your dream job you'd be telling everyone on the face of the planet about it. Why don't you do the same when you get involved with your product/opportunity. Because you're afraid of someone stealing your dream and telling you no. I'm sorry, but this is again where I would have to say, "Get over it." People are going to say no. You have to understand that most people aren't willing to put themselves out there to make things happen. Why do you think 3% of the population controls 97%-98% of all the wealth. It's not luck. These people took ownership of what they believe and let nobody tell them any different. This includes the Top Earners in your company.

3) Consistency: You have to have a Marketing plan. At this point I don't even care what it is. You just need to have one and you need to be consistent with it. You should have a time line in mind of when you decide to pull that plan in exchange for a new one if it isn't converting, but you've got to start and you've got to follow through with it. Most people decide to do one thing one day and something different the next. How are you ever going to find a process that consistently works? Do some research about lead generation and marketing specific to your company. Pick one or two tactics and run like you just escaped from prison (your J.O.B).

Network Marketing Success is waiting for you, you just have to go get it. These companies and this industry are set up for you to win. There is no other industry in the world that allows you this type of freedom and the ability to build organizations the size of Microsoft without all of the overhead but with all the profits. So get yourself positioned as a leader, own what you doe and get consistent with your Marketing and Your Network Marketing Success will happen before you know it. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Do You Want Less Stress & More Success

For some people, stress is categorized differently. Some, the thought of having to go to work and listen to the sound of your Boss's voice give you anxiety. For others, it's the fact that the end of the money comes before the end of the month. Whatever it is for you, I'm going to try to get you on the fast track to Less Stress & More Success.

1) Passion: You need to figure out what it is you truly love to do. You'd be surprised, there are people making obscene amounts of money doing some of the most absurd things. I'm not kidding, I think there is actually a T.V. show about it. The problem with most people is they find themselves going to a Job they truly can't stand. They sit there all day wishing they were doing something different. This usually leads to activities like solitaire and Facebooking all day instead of actually producing any kind of results at work. On the other hand, there are the fortunate people who have decided to make there life's passion their career. These are the people who seem to always be working, even when it seems like they are playing. Please know that if this is not you, it can be simply by making the decision.

2) Mentor: Life is SO much easier when you've got a mentor to help you along the way. This is easier than you might think. It doesn't need to be someone who you know personally and have the ability to see everyday. This can come in the form of an industry leader or simply someone you respect that has books, articles or blogs you can read and study. Don't try to go at this alone. Those who have come before you have already screwed up where you are about to. Do yourself a favor and take their advice.

3) Thoughts & Actions: Don't fight your thoughts. You know what you should be doing. It's those who take action on their thoughts that always seem to have the most success. If you're sitting there and a great thought comes to you..DO IT!! This is what's known as the creative process. Keep in mind, Fate Favors the Bold. So when you get that feeling in your stomach that you should, or shouldn't, do something, listen to it and by all means ACT!! Even if you aren't sure how or why, you need to ACT. You will never get to where you want to go by simply thinking your way there. Remember, we're talking about Less Stress & More Success. What do you think will feel better..taking massive action or wishing you would have. I can tell you right now regret will always leave you stressed.

4) Discipline & Structure: These two words seem to turn off the majority of people. When in actuality these two words will set you free! Personally I keep myself on a 6-8 work schedule (sometimes it's a lot more but this is average). During those hours I have highly prioritized Money Making Activities scheduled. My email and phone are not either of those things. On top of that, I break my hours into 50 minute blocks. This allows at least two things: I know for a fact I will accomplish at least 6-8 highly prioritized tasks throughout the day and by giving myself 50 minutes, I have no time to mess around doing some B.S. that drains my time. Tomorrow, monitor yourself. It's been researched that in an 8 hour day an employee does less than 2 hours of actual work! C'mon, there was a game last night I need to talk about, Lindsey Lohan got put in jail, my best friend just put new pics on their Facebook page, etc, etc, etc. And you wonder why people are stressed about income and freedom!!

This Life and all Business opportunities are journeys. These journeys should be enjoyed. Take the time to set yourself up to win and you will most certainly be living a life and/or operating a Business with Less Stress and More Success. The above mentioned items are easy to do and have been around long before I was here. Start easy and implement them one at a time if you have to. Just make sure you implement them. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!

The Truth About Home Based Business

People flock to this industry with big dreams of Mansions, Yachts and fancy cars. Thinking that if they just simply join XYZ company and tell all of their friends and family about it, they too will soon be crossing the stage and seeing their names in lights. As you know, I am a HUGE fan of the Direct Sales Industry. What I get tired of are individuals who come into this industry with a Lottery mentality thinking that their registration fee entitles them to the top pay ranks of their company. So, what I'm going to do for you us give you the Truth About Home Based Business.

1) Business: Yes, this is a BUSINESS!! For most of us, we build a big organizations through Network Marketing. I want you to look closely at those two words. Net-WORK being the first word. Somewhere along the way people got it in their head that if you simply join and get your brother and Aunt to join you're going to be Rich. I've got news for you, it doesn't work that way. EVERY top earner works his/her Home Based Business just as hard (probably harder) than any other job they have ever had. The Second word is MARKETING. It's not Inviting, pitching, harassing or my personal favorite, attending. No, it's MARKETING. I know I always hound this point, but if you stop Marketing your business, you have no business. There is a reason the Top Producers in your company are at the top, they always have people to talk to.

2) Expectations: You're results are going to be right in line with your efforts. So, if you expect to get involved with a particular company and have no intentions of putting forth anymore capital or resources, you are going to get the same in return. However, on the other hand, if you go into your opportunity expecting to have to fund it like any other business and you understand there are going to be travel, marketing, promotional and product expenses, you will get the same in return. Too many people come into this industry simply looking for an answer to a problem. What these individuals need to be conscious of is that this is an opportunity and what happens with that opportunity is what they make of it.

3) Thoughts: You are no longer an employee of someone else. You are now your own boss. For many this is an absolute nightmare. Do you know why all successful companies continue to be successful? Because they are all run on disciplined systems. Can you imagine if McDonalds just decided not to make fries for a day? No, you always expect there to be someone there making fries. So, why do so many get into the Home Based Business industry and think they can go a few days without doing something like Marketing. If this is you, you need to take a hard look at what you're doing and why you're doing it. It is now up to you to start thinking like the Founder, CEO and President of YOU inc. That means you get to do all of the work until you are profitable enough to outsource that work. One more piece of advice about thoughts...DO NOT start to think about your hourly rate in the beginning. Yes, you could be making more money cooking those fries we just talked about. Stick with it and continue down your structured path of success and you can buy one of those Franchises (not that you would want to).

I truly do believe there is no other industry like the Home Based Business Industry. My goal here is to make you aware of what it's really going to take for this industry to produce all of your dreams. As long as you come into this focused and understand that it is the same as any other business on the planet, you will have success. Like I've said before, if you treat this like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby. So, I hope this has shed some light on The Truth About Home Based Business. Until next time, Happy Marketing.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time Leadership For Entrepreneurs

Okay, today's writing about Time Leadership comes out of pure necessity and my own experiences of Today. You see, normally I have a scheduled day of prioritized money making activities. In case you're not familiar, money making activities are the activities that lead to money being deposited in your bank account. For me, 80% of that is Marketing. Without Marketing the wheel stops turning and the money stops flowing. EVERYTHING else is a distraction. Today, on the other hand, I have spent the entire day walking people through a process of them spending money. Now, I know you're thinking, "C'mon man, these people are spending money which means you're making money..isn't that what it's all about?" Well yes and (emphatically) NO! Let me explain some things that need to be in place so this happens without you, or in today's case me.

1) Landing Page: This is where all of your traffic is driven. It doesn't matter if you're doing Article Marketing, Press Releases, Facebook, Twitter, Google Adwords or writing blogs; all of your traffic gets driven to a Landing Page. And just so you know, a Landing Page is different than a Website. Websites have a lot going on. There are lots of bells and whistles, areas for you to learn about the company and hear the story of the product, etc. That is what your companies website is for. Your goal is to generate leads through a Landing Page that is VERY simple and focused on one thing...generating a lead.

2) Opt-in: This is a simple form on your Landing Page that actually allows you to generate a lead. You see, when you have done a good job of capturing your prospects attention on your Landing Page, they will have the opportunity to get more information. This is done through an Opt-in form. After your prospect fills out the form, they are given more information. This could be in the form of a Newsletter or some sort of report. Whatever it is, make sure it is relevant to what you just talked about and relevant to your specific Niche and industry. Oh, and by the way, that prospect just took the necessary steps to turn THEMSELVES into a lead. Congratulations, you're well on your way!

3) Thank You Page: This is the next page your prospect is taken to. On this page they will get even more information about what you had talked about during your Landing Page. This is where the curtain is pulled back a little further and your prospect again has the opportunity to take themselves through the process or not. On this page, the prospect is given a very clear understanding of what it is you do and how you can help them. Remember, all leaders help others achieve their goals. Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care. However, on this page, you are still not asking them to spend any money. You are simply giving them a better understanding of either how your entire industry works or just your business. Either way, you give them an idea of how they fit in the scenario and again, how you can help.

4) Sales Process: This is where the transaction happens, and it happens without you. This doesn't necessarily have to be your big ticket item or even the end all be all of your entire Sales Process. It should, however, be a spot where this lead either becomes a Tire Kicker or a Qualified Lead. This doesn't have to be expensive either by the way. It could be a simple $10 ebook that teaches them how to do what you just took them through. Whatever it is, it is systemically done while you are working on Money Making Activities.

That's where I'm going to leave it for today. You can see that by putting together your own Sales System you have taken control of your Time Leadership. This process isn't new by the way. Next time you go in to get a $15 Oil change, you'll understand why you left spending $100 on filters, wipers, and upgraded oil. All the while the owner sat in an office and figured out how to get more people in the door for a $15 oil change. Do yourself a favor and get control of your Time Leadership and watch your income grow like weeds. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who Are The Modern Entrepreneurs?

The last figure I heard was 17 million unemployed people in the United States. Also, the last figure I heard was 500,000 per MONTH look to the internet to find a way to make more money and/or start a business. So, what does this tell you? People are looking, and you now know where they are looking. So what does a Modern Entrepreneur do? The same thing Entrepreneurs have been doing since the beginning of time, filling a void. The only difference now is that we have the ability to leverage the power of the internet. If you've read anything else I've written, you know I'm a huge fan of the Direct Sales industry. This is the only industry that allows a single individual to build an organization as large as some of the biggest companies in the world. Below I'm going to give you a few points to remember while you go out and fill the void en route to becoming a Modern Entrepreneur.

1) Systems: This is not a new concept. McDonalds is McDonalds because of the systems it runs on. I know you know it's not because of the quality of food, it's because you can go to a McDonalds in Manhattan and expect the same thing from a McDonalds in Mexico, MO. The beauty of systems allows you, the owner, to focus on growth of the business and not flipping the burgers. In the Direct Sales Industry your system is set up to produce highly qualified prospects looking to join you in business. You could do it the old, hard way by trying to recruit everyone with a pulse. However, this leaves you know time to continue to build your business because you're too busy "flipping burgers." Let your prospect take themselves through a series of steps and either weed themselves out or pop out the other end as a nice shinny qualified prospect looking to build a business. Then, and only then, you get to know them, understand who they are and teach them the same system that has brought them to you. That in and of itself is a system!

2) Leadership: In the Direct Sales Industry, individuals are not looking to join businesses or opportunities. Individuals are looking to join people who they think can lead them to where they want to go. So, how do you position yourself as a leader? Work! Nothing will ever replace work. Let's say someone finds themselves in the middle of one of your sales systems. They like everything they're hearing and are feeling good about the possibility of moving forward with you. I promise you the next step they take is to go to Google and find out who you are. When they do this, what are they going to find? Do you know what you're talking about? Do you have a TON of content on the web about your particular niche market? Have you produced results? If your prospect goes to Google and can't find you, you are in trouble. It is VERY simple these days to position yourself as a leader, but you're going to have to work. What came first, the Chicken or the Egg? Nothing ever happened without a gestation period.

3) Marketing: I've written so much about this topic I should start column solely on Marketing. The very basic concept here is content. Remember, I'm not talking about advertising I'm talking about Marketing. Nobody likes to be sold, but everyone likes to buy. If you have a product to sell, don't sell them your product, sell them your knowledge and let them decide to buy your product. I know I just lost a bunch of you so here's an example. You walk in to Best Buy and want a T.V. If you're anything like me the only thing you know about a T.V. is whether or not you like it. So, the sales clerk takes you on a myriad of entertainment KNOWLEDGE and by the time he/she is done you're just taking his/her word for it because he/she is the expert. I know some of you are thinking, "not me, he/she is just trying to take advantage of me...I'll show him." Then you buy what you LIKE and end up with lesser quality and a problem setting everything up because it's not compatible. Trust me, people WANT to buy from an expert who they can trust. This should be your #1 focus during your Marketing.

The greatest part about all of these tips and what connects them to The Modern Entrepreneur is that you can do all of this from your house. If you have an internet connection and a computer you can begin to build a HUGE business, no matter what industry or niche market you're involved with. The internet has changed the way we shop, make reservations, order food and get phone numbers. It's about time you become a Modern Entrepreneur and begin to leverage the power of the internet. I hope this helps you on your journey. Until next time, Happy Marketing!